View Full Version : Labyrinthitis?

Jan 10, 2012, 01:40 PM
For the past 4 weeks I've been feeling lightheaded,offbalance and dizzy. And I have no idea why and what the problem is.I've tried healthy diet,sleep and activity,blood test but not working. Though not as bad as day 1 it is gradually getting better.I heard that an inner ear infection(Labyrinthitis)can make you feel dizzy for weeks.and the symptoms seem to match because what happened before was I got a really bad ear infection so bad that my glands were swoolen, then it went away. The next day I rode an elevator as soon as I walked out I felt extreamly dizzy I had to sit down for it to pass.and from that day forward I've felt offbalace,dizzy lightheaded off and on.Family and friends don't beleve me and think I'm crazy.could an ear infection transfer into the inner ear?

Do you think I have Labyrinthitis or something else.