View Full Version : Can't sleep!

Jan 9, 2012, 08:31 PM
For the past 8 days, I haven't been able to sleep! I would go to bed at 10 something and fall asleep sometime after 1 or 2. This morning when my mom came to wake me up from school, I thought she was coming down to see if I had fallen asleep yet! All I need are tips to help me fall asleep! Thanks

Jan 10, 2012, 01:23 PM
Try to...

1-work out during the day
2 drink sleepy time tea before bed
3 NO vide games or TV (because it will make you wired)
4 read,(makes youe eyes tired)
5 pick a time to go to bed so your body is use to that time( say 10)

Jan 31, 2012, 08:34 PM
Use your energy more effectively in the day by chance, this could cause your body's muscles to complain and that could force sleep.Watch T.V. for some people it helps if you have something in the room talking to sleep.Sleep with a light on your eyes may just prefer a bit of light in general. Pick a lullaby from Youtube to calm yourself. Take up a new hobby that calms you. Try new foods that are less spicy to calm your taste buds. I can't think of anything else so good luck! :).

Feb 5, 2012, 10:22 AM
For the past 8 days.. do you remember how many hours have you been sleeping?
E.g if you were sleeping for 8 hours before and now you wake up at the same time but lay awake for a lot of time trying to sleep.. you might be altering your sleep patterns which your body has become habitual to.

Try to go to bed the EXACT time as before... also wake up the same time as before.

Do not consume tea coffee or anything that has caffine at leasst 2 hours before sleep,if there is any light bulb on during your sleep.. switch it off