View Full Version : Terminating grandparents' visitation after adoption?

Jan 5, 2012, 06:49 AM
I have a 5 year old daughter we reside in Georgia, was never married to her father and when she was 8 months he was placed in jail then deported also he never legitimized her. Last year his mother took me to court due to an overdose, I had no prior history with drug abuse and my first time was my last experience so the judge granted her solely on those grounds grandparents visitation. Now I've been married a year and my husband wants to adopt her and wants the grandparents visitation stopped. Is this possible?

Jan 5, 2012, 08:49 AM
His adoption of the child is one issue, grand parents visit is a separate issue.

You will have to get the bio fathers to sign over his rights to allow the adoption. Or he will have to be served and not show up in court or try to fight the action.
Since you have contact with his mother, it is obvious there would be contact available to the bio father.

Grandparents even in adoptions often get rights to visit on those grounds also, so I doubt you will get grandparents visits taken away even if you adopt

Jan 5, 2012, 09:25 AM
Ok understandable but once she's adopted then does that void every bond as far as her biological father and his family goes. I hardly doubt her biological father will take action especially if he is 2 countries away I can't think of another way he would be able to fight it.

Jan 5, 2012, 04:29 PM
You need a lawyer.

It is unlikely that you will end grandparents' visitation even if you CAN get the adoption to go through without the biological father's consent.

In any case--why do you WANT to? Your child has a bond with her grandmother, and should be able to continue that relationship. It sounds as though your husband wants to erase the fact that she has a biological family completely--and while that may be easier for HIM to deal with, it will make it confusing for your daughter.

Unless the grandmother is a danger to your child, I wouldn't even pursue terminating her visitation.

Jan 5, 2012, 05:32 PM
My husband has absolutely nothing to do with it, as far as her grandmother is yes I feel she is a flight risk. My daughters biological father has married in the country he resides in so in the USA that marriage is nothing however her grandmother had my daughter around her now remember my child has never met her and now she wants my daughter to bond with her supposedly stepmom even though her biological father will never be able to enter this country again she went as far as allowing my daughter to go out of state with her. So yes I would like to void her visitations to ensure the safety of my child if the adoption goes through and visitation is stopped then maybe I would allow her to see her as long as a family member is there to monitor only.