View Full Version : Maths average speed formula?

Dec 28, 2011, 05:55 AM
Up hill speed 120 km @speed 30km/hr and plain distance 60 km @speed 40/hr and down hill distance 180km @speed 60km/hr find the average speed ?

Dec 28, 2011, 06:33 AM
Average speed is total distance traveled divided by total time required. Finding the total distance is easy - just add up the lengths of all three segments. To find the total time add the time for each of the three segments, each of which can be found by dividing the distance of that segment by the speed for that segment. For example the first segment took (120 Km)/(30 Km/hr) = 4 Hr. So find the times required for segments 2 and 3, up all three times, and divide that total into the total distance of all three segments. Post back with your final answer and we'll check it for you.

Jan 25, 2012, 06:37 AM
A car traveled by a circuitous path for a time of 3.oh and covered a total distance of 180miles what is the average speed in feet per second