View Full Version : Furnace Vent Blower Really Hot

Dec 9, 2011, 12:43 AM
Hello, My vent blower is really hot when the furnace is on and the vent blower is on. Is that typical? I'm curious because some blowers are made of plastic and my is metal otherwise it would probably melt or crack. I am also having trouble with the furnace shutting off prematurely, right when the gas goes on or just before with ignitor glowing. The whole system shuts off with no blinking. I'm not waiting through three cycle to see if it blinks then. Sometimes it works sometimes not. When it does work I get 28 VAC at the gas valve connections and it drope to 24.5 VAC when valve releases the gas. Otherwise the votage goes to 2VAC and it ofcouse doesn't light at all. Last senario it most often will light then shut off within seconds. Arnoldservice.com has the furnace literature if you don't have the original, and a trouble shooting guide and written expalinations of common problems with solutions. Which suggests I replace the gas valve ot the board, of thermostat, all around $60 or higher, or could be a blower related problem clogs in filter AC condenser coils blower capacitor or motor. So I'm not sure where to start, and keep the cost down.