View Full Version : Random Sleeping Question

Nov 22, 2011, 10:38 AM
Let's say you can't sleep and you have to go to school or work early in the morning. You stay up until 5am and start to finally get sleepy, but you have to start getting ready for school/work at 7am. Is it better to just stay awake or sleep for 2 hours? Which way will make you feel less tired when it's time to leave?

Nov 22, 2011, 11:07 AM
Sleep for two hours, you will still be tired, and you will still be sleepy, but it will have at least helped your body somewhat.

If you are having trouble sleeping, you need to look at your evening habits as to things that can help you relax.

Dec 17, 2011, 10:10 PM
Try 2mg of Melatonin, a bottle is like 4 bucks, to regulate your body to sleep in normal fashion. Take it at your "regular" bedtime. If ineffectual, take Valarian root, also OTC, at bedtime. These helpful medicines are natural and are not addictive like prescription medications for sleep,such as Ambien and Lunesta. Also, try no TV before bed and no caffine after dinner, and go to bed 20 minutes earlier for a week, it can change your body habits so you WILL sleep for your busy day tomorrow. Remember: your bedroom is ONLY for sleep and sex (no TV, computer, movies, or other "stimulating" materials that will keep you awake). Also, in your bedroom change your LED digital clock to a red light output, as green or white will stimulate your brain to stay "awake".