View Full Version : Why cant I gain weight

Nov 21, 2011, 12:21 PM
I'm 19 years old and have had a child but I weigh 94 pounds. I can not gain weight, when I was 12 I weighed 110 and when I turned 15 I started losing weight I weighed more before I was pregnant an I'm tired of being ask if I'm my daughters my sister because I look like a twelve year old I'm always paranoid that the reason I can't gain weight because I have health problems I want to know why I can't gain weight vie had my tyro ids done there normal I hate looking at myself in the mirror and I don't feel like a woman ex specially when it comes to my husband I hate the way he doesn't look at me because I don't have a body I want to gain 25 lbs how can I do this without taking pills