View Full Version : Is it still Labyrinthitis or something else?

Nov 20, 2011, 11:41 PM
I'm feeling tired,anxious and light headed constantly?
About 4 months ago I got diagnosed with Labyrinthitis, my G.P put me on an antibiotic called serc, which seemed to help quite a bit, although it irritated my stomach quite a lot and made me very tired, the symptoms seemed to disappear for a while, but now I am still feeling really tired, lethargic, light headed, anxious and just in a daze constantly, The light headed feeling is the biggest problem that I need to fix as I have a 9 year old daughter who needs her mum healthy and happy. I always feel like I have got something horrible wrong with me.. I have had all blood tests done and they all come back fine, has anyone got any answers as to what could be causing me to feel this way? And what I can do about it?

Nov 28, 2011, 06:44 AM
Hi there, I was diagnosed with labrynthitis once before and the doc put me on something called prochloperazine melea 5mg tablets and they worked really well. Therefore, there are other treatments and I would suggest seeing the doc again for alternatives. I have come down with it again over last month but thought it was something else as I was tired all the time, light headed and only felt bttr lying down, figured it was a virus, bloods came back fine so Im off to doc tmrw to ask if it could be labryntitis again. The main thing I would say is that it sounds like labrynthitis which is such a draining thing especially for a mum but try not to worry I know what you're going through and there are other tablets so go and tell the doc how worried you are etc and maybe mentioned the tab I was on, see what they reckon. I hope this helps a bit, stay strong and don't worry once you find the right treatment you'll be grand :)