View Full Version : I'm sick & kind of scared...

Nov 16, 2011, 06:37 PM
Please refrain from telling me to go to the doctor. That's the thing, I don't know if I am pregnant and if I go to my doctors, my mother will find out. I am hoping maybe someone could help me.

I have been really sick today, fine in the morning from 7am-9am, then when I went for a cigarette, my stomach started acting up. I just stop smoking and went on my day. When I got home at 12, attempted to smoke again, didn't work. I have noticed the sickest I really been today was smelling things, and it upsets my stomach a lot. I had puked a couple of times... Although last night I was the same way with my dinner, but I didn't throw up nor didn't eat barely anything. Tonight, I cannot even sit down without having to puke.

If it does not get better, I will go to the doctors. I am just really hoping someone could know something. I am scared and in bed with what my parents think is a cold.

Thanks for reading, hope you have an idea/ answer. I appreciate it.

Nov 16, 2011, 06:46 PM
If you don't want to go to the doctor yet, buy a home test. If you ARE pregnant, you are going to need to go to the doctor, no way around it. If your symptoms persist, you should still probably go to the doctor.
Either way, it looks like a doctor visit is on your horizon. Hope you feel better!

Nov 16, 2011, 07:00 PM
If you don't go to the doctor and you are pregnant, guess what, they will find out anyway.

Not knowing your age, but this obviously means you are having sex, so if you believe and act grown up to have sex, with causes babies, you need to be grown up and act mature enough to face the issues and deal with it.

What you did not say, is if you have missed a period yet ? Is it time for your period this month ? If you miss your period that is the big sign of being pregnant.

Of course it could be the flu, and not knowing where you are at, around here, there is a serious stomach illness running though the area.

Nov 17, 2011, 10:19 AM
I am assuming you're both men, I have an IUD called Mirena, I am not TOO worried about being pregnant. I just am hoping I am not dying. I just don't want to find out that I am pregnant, because I would have to undergo surgery and could possible die. Had it for three years, and nothing, so it isn't a problem.

By the way, I just turned 20.
I have a bad birth health history, and have some addictions such as smoking and small amounts of drinking.

Also, I would go to the doctors if it became worse, I just want to see if anyone would know.