View Full Version : My cat's Right ear is bent backwards and it doesn't come back to normal position

Nov 15, 2011, 11:39 PM
Guess after a cat fight he had a wound on his right ear,after treating the ear,it doesn't look the same again ,it is bent and wouldn't straighten out.He also seems to shake slightly while sitting in upright position,i.e.. Going to and fro motion,ever so lightly.What does this indicate? Should I nbe concerned?
He is five years old male that has not been neutered.

Nov 15, 2011, 11:44 PM
Please take him to a vet for an exam and to be neutered so he won't get into fights. Statistics say that, unneutered and living outdoors, he will not live very much longer.

Nov 17, 2011, 02:23 PM
Most cat fight wounds wind up as a rather severe infection. Without having seen the ear at the time it was injured, it is impossible to say what is currently going on, but I suspect that the infection scarred the supporting cartilage and caused it to change it's shape, probably losing the natural curve that keeps an ear erect.

Tilting the head side to side is suggestive that there is something like wax or even fluids deep in the ear canal and the cat is simply responding to the feeling. If it were a source of irritation, most cats shake their head more violently, or dig at the offending ear with their back foot.

I have the feeling that you treated his infection yourself, without benefit of a vet's exam or advice. Now may be an excellent time to take him, just in case there is more 'down there' that you are not aware of and can be treated fairly simply by the vet, in the office.

As Wondergirl said, free roaming, non neutered cats have a greatly shortened lifespan, due to infections and a variety of nasty diseases that art more easily transmitted by fighting. Neutering will help with the fighting, but not with anything he may have picked up before..