View Full Version : I want to die?

Nov 9, 2011, 08:26 AM
I loved a girl lot but today she got married and I don't know how she is with her husband.Even she loved me lot,but whenever I called her she got irritated by me and she warned me twice or thrice not to call her and she wants to live happily with her husband.so I left her calling since aug 14 2011.and after a long period on nov 9 2011 I got a call from her I didn't pick up.even I can't forget her and I didn't say anyone in my family.I am unable to concentrate on anything,please tell her to rejoin me I can do anything for her I love her lot,or else give me some simple idea so that I can forget her or I can die peacefully.

Nov 9, 2011, 09:12 AM
If she is married to someone else, she must love this other man. It's time for you to move on and find a woman who will love you like you can love them. It's hard when you love someone and the love is unrequited, but unfortuanatly sometimes love and hurt feelings go hand in hand with one another. Especially when that love is not reciprocated. I am a firm beliver that with out someone loving you back, it's not really love. I like to think that love is mutual. How do you know you are in love with this woman if you haven't been able to spend the time with her?

Is there anything you can do in your home town to meet new single women? What about joining a club? There's lots of fish in the sea, you just need to find the one who isn't attached to anyone else.

Good luck!

Nov 9, 2011, 09:51 AM
Hello boss there are lot of fishes in sea but you can't taste every fish right,u have some particular authority to taste it.same way I can't go to all the fishes whichever I see.whatever thank you for reply but I hope so she might come back.just pray for me that.regarding a women I lost interest I want to my gal back and she will hoping for that

Nov 11, 2011, 02:44 PM
I'm also in love with a man who never pay me intention :(

Nov 11, 2011, 04:13 PM
I am sorry, she is not yours, and if she had wanted to be with you, she would have married you. ( unless you live in a place where they do arranged marriage)

You need to stop all contact and move on with your life, you have no other options with this girl. She is now someone else's

May 13, 2012, 03:01 PM
I'm really sorry I have the same thing going on. I stopped talking to this girl like 3 years ago because she said it was the only thing I could do for her, but after everything she dragged me through I can't stop torturing myself over it. There is a deep despair at the core of my being. I keep dreading the day when I find out that she is engaged, married, or pregnant.
Just know that you are not alone in this feeling. There are so many people like us, throw away characters in someone else's love story.