View Full Version : 1 1/2 week old kitten with fleas! Help?

Nov 5, 2011, 09:56 AM
My cat of 3years had a litter of 2 about a week and a half ago. I Recently descovered that they all have fleas REALLY BAD. I Feel so bad, the other day we lost one of the baby's to the fleas, it died and now the other kitten is all alone in the fight. I pick fleas off the kitten almost every hour. I Don't want it to die, I try hard to keep it warm and I always make sure the ma'ma cat is by it. Please if you know anything that can help with the baby kitten contact me here. ): I don't think the kitten will last very longer if I don't act soon.

Nov 5, 2011, 10:10 AM
What you want to do is give it a bath in flea repelent shampoo and give it a flea colar.
P.S I am so sorry about the other kitten

Nov 5, 2011, 02:21 PM
Do NOT use flea shampoo on a kitten this young. OR a flea collar. Flea collars cause reactions more than they work to take care of fleas, and it would not be safe on a kitten of this age.
You can try bathing them in Dawn dish soap. Make sure the water is warm (but not scalding), and submerge them so only their head is above water. The fleas will migrate to dry land (their head) and you can pick them off here. You need to be SURE you dry them well and keep them warm, as it is dangerous for kittens this young to get cold.

You need to keep the mother protected. Pick up a flea product from your vet (either Revolution or Advantage - Revolution seems to be the most effective). It is safe to use with nursing mothers. Vaccuum your house well and wash any bedding they have been on.

Nov 5, 2011, 06:28 PM
I used a human shampoo with tea tree oil in it for my baby kittens, be sure to blow dry them thoroughly on low heat. Give mom a bath too, and use a flea collar for her.

Nov 7, 2011, 09:43 AM
I sincerely hope the little one is still surviving.

Do not use human shampoos on cats especially young kittens. Human shampoos leave substances (chemicals, residues, fragrances, etc.) that while safe for human skin are not safe for a cat's skin. Also, keep in mind that a cat's liver does not filter out substances ingested or absorbed through the skin in the same way as a human liver. 'Toxins' that our bodies eliminate can remain trapped in a cat and build up.

Along with the directions Sariss gave:

Vacuuming once isn't enough because of the life cycle of fleas. Part of their life cycle is spent in a cocoon-like capsule where pesticides can't get at them. Part of the reason for vacuuming is to set up vibrations that encourage the fleas to leave the cocoon to feed and become vulnerable to pesticides/growth regulators and/or desiccants (drying agents that cause the insect/flea to dehydrate.)

It takes about three weeks of daily vacuuming of as much of your floor as you can (twice a day in heavy infestations is even better) to get rid of fleas. When you vacuum, empty the bag chamber as soon as you are done and take the waste to your outside trash can. Fleas can survive in the bag and will climb out so get it outside.