View Full Version : Getting off the cure

Feb 7, 2007, 07:42 AM
Having successfully quit smoking using Chantrix, I am wondering if I will experience cravings for cigarettes when I try to stop the medication. Although Chantrix has helped a lot, the withdrawal symptoms still wear you down and I am not sure if I will have the strengh to withstand another couple of weeks of cravings during a slow process of reducing the meds. Smokefree for 10 weeks yippee!

Feb 7, 2007, 07:58 AM
Undoubtedly there will be challenges to coming off Chantrix, but only your and your mind can channel it into something constructive and then meet that challenge. Do yourself a favor and don't look for confirmation on potentially difficult stuff and increase your odds of failure, okay?

Two of the more useful tools discovered by the 12-Step fellowships is one day at a time and no projecting. You may think you are unable to withstand something when you add it all up and try to accommodate it collectively. Instead try taking it in smaller bites, one day at a time or even one hour at a time, if necessary. Also cultivate a "we'll see" attitude. You may think or feel entirely differently when you get to this point in the future than you are presently forecasting or even differently than someone else who might even post here that yes, it increased their cravings.

Recovery is a unique path for each of us, and yours is yours. I am so proud of your ten weeks, AND that says you have what it takes to me. So do it one more day... and then again tomorrow too, okay? You are recovering from something serious so its expected that you'll be worn out some -- take extra good care of yourself during this time, sleep more if necessary and treat yourself to some good and healthy things (I understand the girls here like to go for facials to help their skin recover -- see mention below about that thread).

I am quit now almost ten years and I did it thinking I couldn't too so I had to practice a bigtime "we'll see"! LOL Eventually it gets easier and then it gets even easier. Stay the course and find out yourself. Join in the Quitting Smoking thread found here (https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/addictions/your-help-smoking-53890.html) that Curlyben's Wife started if you would like loads of support! I bet they welcome you with open arms.

Feb 9, 2007, 05:27 PM
I also have a script for Chantrix. I read a lot of things about it, but not anything about "coming" off it. This will be a very interesting thread for me also.