View Full Version : Fish died in course of 24 hours?

Oct 9, 2011, 02:01 PM
Hello, my name is Tiffyy. For my birthday my husband bought me an aquarium and a few fish. I have a 10 gallon starter tank from walmart, and I filled it with 4 plastic plants, rainbow/neon pink/black gravel, and I have a glow in the dark moonrock from walmart, and a rainbow cave. I am running the tank with a heater, as well as an aerator. I had 3 tiger barbs, one neon goroumi, and a pleco. I started the tank on 09/30 and added fish on 10/01.

I started the tank with natural stone gravel, and after I had the fish in the tank, I decided I really hated the gravel, and changed it to the neon stones above. I rinsed the new gravel, scoped out the old gravel with a net, and slowly placed in the new. I did this on 10/06. Today 4 of my 5 fish died. I have been treating the water with aquasafe when I started the tank, and when I added the fish (I realized after I added the fish, I needed to add 2 more inches of water), and when I changed the gravel. I also treated the water with clear water the day before I changed the gravel because it was so cloudy I couldn't see the fish or anything really in the tank at all. Our pH was really low, so we were using Correct pH tabs from Jungle every few days to try and raise it.

The neon goromi had signs of fin rot, and was lethargic, always floating in the bottom or top of the tank. The tiger barbs were always picking at it. I would feed an algea wafer once or twice a day, and I would feed tropical flakes about the same. After reading through some posts on here, I realized I might have over fed.

I realize I did something wrong, and I don't want my pleco to die, and I want to be able to feel confident in adding more fish sometime. I am going to get tests for the tank tomorrow when the local pet shop is open. I am using city water, that I know is clorinated, so I added the Aquasafe, and it seems to work. Any other ideas?

Oct 9, 2011, 02:06 PM
Firstly you didn't allow the tank to cycle long enough.
This allows for the break down of chemicals already in the water and for beneficial bacteria to form.
This can take anything up to two weeks for a brand new tank.
This should offer some further guidance: Guide For Setting Up A Fish Tank (http://www.aquaone.co.uk/guide_setting_up_tank.php)

Until you have a properly setup tank then you will simply be wasting your money on adding any fish. Cycling is everything..

Time to start over.