View Full Version : Hungover/ alcohol poisoning or date rape drug.

Sep 20, 2011, 10:17 AM
I went out with my friends on Saturday. I was having a good time, drank a quarter of a bottle of Malibu Coconut Rum, then I had Southern Comfort in a bottle on the way to club. When I got there, I had Malibu Pineapple with Pine apple juice( Probably 4 total that night) I had 2 shots from the shot girls that walk around. I was dancing with this kid, and we were having a good time, & then out of no where I was taken away from this kid to dance with another, and after that, I'm delirious as to what happened, (I blacked out). AT like 4:30 am (sunday)I came back to the world & found myself with this guy in his car, and none of my friends to be around. The guy brought me home at 7am, and between 4:30 and 7 I was blacking in & out, couldn't remmeber how to get home. I finally made it home, & since Sunday morning I've been feeling dizzy, lightheaded, zoned out, in my own world, etc. [when I got home, I found out I had no underwear on, I have a bump on the right side of my head, my left rib is swollen, my neck and upper back is in pain. I feel like crap. I can usually handle my alcohol very well. I never puked, or anything. I think I was drugged. My friends believe I have Alcohol poisoning. What do you think it could be.

{I know this may not make much sense but this is as much as I remember from that night! & I have yet to go to the hospital because I don't want them to think I'm a bad mom for going out, etc.)

Please help me!

Sep 20, 2011, 10:34 AM
You drank a crap load of booze! Yea you could have been drugged (only a blood test can tell for sure) or you could have blacked out from the copious amounts of alcohol you consumed. I am in no way lecturing or looking down at you, I have been known to toss back one too many, but that's the risk you take when you binge on booze and are in public areas. I really hope for your sake nothing happened, but unfortunately in this day, there are just too many other possibilities. I HIGHLY suggest you go for a blood test as well as a check up for any STD's.
Best of luck!


Sep 20, 2011, 10:45 AM
Ok thank you! :) I just don't know how to tell my doctor what happened or anything.

Sep 20, 2011, 10:51 AM
Part of the oath that doctor's take, is not to pass judgment. Tell him the truth. Tell him you went out to let off some steam, had a few too many drinks and are not sure of what happened. Tell him you felt dizzy etc...

It's embaressing, I get that, but what would be more embaressing is you passing along an STD or infecting your children with something. Best to err on the side of caution.

Sep 20, 2011, 10:55 AM
Unlikely to be explained by alcohol poisoning which results from bolus consumption of alcohol sufficient to create a peak BAC usually above .40. Alcohol poisoning results in unconsciousness and lack of mobility.

What you have described is better explained by en bloc blackout which could result from intoxication. If the blackout was due to intoxication it is also unlikely that you would experience intermittent recurrent blackout after ceasing alcohol consumption.

Further, not everyone experiences alcoholic blackouts and if this is unusual or out of character for you that also argues against alcohol as the cause.

Sep 20, 2011, 11:30 AM
Yes, Doctors take an oath. You need to seek out medical attention. Just in case something did happened and obviously the evidence shows that you were with somebody. You need to be examined. You need to just tell the truth to the doctor and you will need blood work and tested for std.