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Sep 7, 2011, 12:57 PM
Okay I'm really trying to find this movie I watched a long time ago on Showtime.com .
Its about this redheaded girl that has to move into a crappy-ish apartment because her parents are getting divorced.
And she goes to this club and has sex with this guy outside in front of this other more attractive guy that she likes. Once the other guy finally see's her at the park and they get into this tube and she starts doing stuff to herself and then they start to have sex all the time at his place. The guy's father is really old and he has to help him get a bath and get him dressed and then one night he die's. Then the guy starts having sex with his ex again when the other girl starts falling in love with him. Then she stops talking to him because his ex said she would never be his. Then in the end the girl is riding her bike on her way to her sisters wedding and he starts running after her to tell her he loves her to.