View Full Version : Knee problem

Feb 1, 2007, 05:54 PM
The other day I had gone to sit down and my knee poped. I felt a lot of pain when going to get up or walk up and down stairs, I almost felt like I would pass out. I was at my high school at the time and only had two more blocks left, not wanting to have to walk across the whole school for the nurse I just beared the pain.
Later that night I went to the ER considering my knee had swelled to what looked about double almost, they told me to ace bandage it and see my orthopeadist.
I'm going tomorrow (three days after this problem) but I was wondering if anyone knew any therapy I might be able to start doing to help this pain.

Feb 1, 2007, 06:07 PM
The kind of therapy you need will have to be tailored to your individual injury.

Feb 1, 2007, 06:52 PM
Alternate cold and hot presses is always the thing my Dr. tell me to do for the pain, after you get the swelling down with Ice packs.

Apr 3, 2007, 10:43 AM
Depending on the knee injury you will need to build up the muscles all around. Your quads, calfs, hamstring, etc. I tore both of my ACLs while I was in high school and if it deals with your knee then you have to strengthen the muscles to support the knee.

Apr 3, 2007, 10:45 AM
Oh and do not heat it if it's swollen... Heat is good for muscles to relax, not for your joints when they are sore or swollen.