View Full Version : Help Me Please

Jul 1, 2011, 02:31 AM
Okay, so I've been on my period for about 3 weeks now and I am getting really scared. Me and my boyfriend have been sexually active, as I am not ready for a baby we use the "pull out" method. And he has pulled out every time, I've read a few things online and I found out that its not only a miscarriage that can cause this, Though I am still pretty worried it is, I have a Dr. appointment set up but I'm still wondering. Is it possible that I could be or have been pregnant, even though there was never any semen inside me? I've never had a very "regular" period but this is just bizarre even for me. I'm 17 years old and terrified. Someone please help.

Jul 1, 2011, 03:03 AM
Anything that unusual in your menstrual cycle needs attention by your doctor. As for the pull out method, well, that is not even l00 per cent sure for not getting pregnancy. He just could not pull out fast enough; in fact it is not unusual to become pregnant from pre-ejaculate. If you want to have sex and not worry about pegnancy, then you either must go on the pill or use a condom. I don't understand your reasoning in using the pull out method thinking that is l00 per cent fool proof.

Whatever the reason you have been menstruating for 3 weeks, go see your doctor and please pick a safe method of birth control next time so you won't have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy.