View Full Version : ETG tests

Jun 26, 2011, 02:23 PM

I drank on Friday, about a ltr of vodka. I have an ETG test Tuesday at 8am. I have very high metabolism and have been drinking water like a fish. Honestly, do you think I will be OK and how sure are you? Does the water help? If I could push the test out 4 hours... would that be a big deal? Please respond. Thanks

Jun 26, 2011, 02:29 PM
These people know what they are talking about - https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/addictions/drinking-water-pass-etg-tests-580270.html

Jun 26, 2011, 02:34 PM
Thanks, I had read that already actually, that DRBill100 seems like a very smart person. Just looking for something specific to myself... thanks again.

Jun 26, 2011, 03:12 PM
Time is always your best friend with EtG testing.

What time did you have your last drink on Friday and across what period did you consume a "liter"? Did I get that right?

Jun 26, 2011, 03:29 PM
I was in bed and asleep at 11:15 pm on Friday, Sorry NOT a LTR of Vodka it was just over 1 pint... started around 5pm until about 11pm. My test is set for 8am on Tuesday. I think I have the ability to push it until noon (could fake car trouble). Is the water I have been drinking constantly for the last 24 hours going to help? Just what do you think overall. I have read some of your answers to other questions and I am very happy you responded to mine. Really seams you know what you are talking about vs just giving an opinion. Please let me know. Thanks

Jun 26, 2011, 03:40 PM
Hello, this is my first time on this site, I responed to your question with an answer... and do not know if I did it right, so I will just give you the answer here.
Please respond with what you think and also let me know if constantly drinking water for 3 days prior to the test will do any good.

I started drinking at about 5pm. Was in bed at 11:15pm. It was NOT a ltr of vodka, it was just over a pint. My test is Tuesday at 8am... I could push this to noon if I had too.

Please let me know, thanks. I was glad it was you whom responded.

Jun 26, 2011, 03:55 PM
Please don't start a new thread, moved

Jun 26, 2011, 04:24 PM
You should be at the high end of metabolism by virtue of the fact that you can consume that much alcohol. But there is no way of knowing that. Therefore I calculated your metabolic rate at .016 ph, about average for male or little under. You had about 12 standard drinks (1.5 oz) and the ethanol should have been eliminated by noon Saturday.

That leaves about 68 hours EtG elimination period. That's close. Average elimination time for 9 drinks was calculated at 66 hours but with a range from 33-90 hrs.

The water consumed will in all likelihood have expedited the clearance of EtG but there is no way quantifying that process because there is no way of quantifying EtG.

I recommend that anyone, especially those who have not consumed alcohol, drink 4 – 8 oz glasses of water daily and especially on the day of the test. The reason is that EtG is artificially increased by concentrated urine so it is important to remain well hydrated. (Not saturated because that can cause urine to be too dilute).

You are in a gray area. I probably under-estimated your metabolic rate, just to be safe, but you are still in a gray area. This test is always a danger. Administered and interpreted mostly by people that have no idea what they are doing, based on standards that are vague and poorly understood, the test is for the most part unregulated and cutoffs and systems vary between laboratories.

It sounds like you have done everything you can, given the majority of studies, I think you have a good chance of passing but it's too close to call.

Jun 26, 2011, 04:34 PM
I thank you for your help. With your calculation... that puts me at "0" right a the time of my test, weird. I will try to push it out that extra four hours. I will continue to drink as much water as I can over the next day and a half.

Jun 27, 2011, 06:33 AM
Good Morning DrBill---You kind of rule this whole site. An update on me ETG test I have to take. It was moved from Tuesday at 8am to Thursday at 10:30am. Being my last drink (of 12) was on Friday at 11pm and you thought I would have all ethanal out of my body by noon on Saturday... should I be 100% OK on Thursday at 10:30? I thank you for your help.

Jun 27, 2011, 07:20 AM
...should I be 100% OK on Thursday at 10:30? I thank you for your help.

You are now within the safe zone regardless of cutoff used. At this point you may want to take a little time to consider the amount you are drinking. That volume of alcohol (about 2-drinks per hr) puts a significant load on your liver that, over time, can cause serious problems.

May 24, 2013, 01:06 PM
Good Morning DrBill---You kind of rule this whole site. An update on me ETG test I have to take. It was moved from Tuesday at 8am to Thursday at 10:30am. Being my last drink (of 12) was on Friday at 11pm and you thought I would have all ethanal out of my body by noon on Saturday....should I be 100% OK on Thursday at 10:30? I thank you for your help.

This question is for Dr bill- I had 3 vodka shots and 4 beers on Friday starting around7pm until 5am Saturday and I had 2 beers that Saturday evening around 7 pm stopped at 10.30pm I haven't touched alcohol since Sunday and I was tested yesterday Thursday 9am, I believe its been over 80hrs.will it show

May 24, 2013, 01:12 PM
You specifically asked for an answer from Dr Bill - he is on hiatus. I would suggest that you use the search figure and locate (and read) his previous answers to similar questions.