View Full Version : Waiver of probate?

Jun 15, 2011, 11:40 AM
My Dad died in 2008. He held stock, for some reason, in His name only. My parents DID have a will which states all rights to survivor,the will was drawn up by their Attorney, and everything changed hands.However, the stock is Still in my Dads name only at the Bank that handled this Co.s business,and they are saying that since there was no probate a waiver of probate form has to be filled out along with transfer of ownership to my Mothers name-at a cost of over $530. CAN THIS BE RIGHT?

AK lawyer
Jun 15, 2011, 11:57 AM

Possibly. Seems like the bank saw a way to make a quick and easy profit of $500 when they adopted this rule. What does the waiver form say?

It would depend, among other things, upon the state in which you are located.

And I hope you know that a will not admitted to probate doesn't really do anything, right?