View Full Version : The title of a movie...

Jun 14, 2011, 07:49 PM
I'm trying to find the name of a old movie.I don't remember it very well but In the start a guy hit an unknown man carrying a bag with his car the man its OK but what its inside the bag that is very value to the unknown man has broken as he said.
Then the man follow the driver who wants to help him and restore the broken thing (cant remember what it was).. In the end the unknown man help the driver get back his girlfriend, he make his going to rape her and the driver save her to find out later that he did it on purpose to help him. The film end with the unknown man hold his bag that is full of glasses and nothing value getting again in front of another car, hitting again and says ''Man down-man down'' the driver goes to help him and start help the new driver with his problems...