View Full Version : What makes a cat urinate on carpets?

Jun 14, 2011, 04:25 AM
I cannot stop my 10 yr. Old cat from urinating on the carpets. I was told that it could be because she doesn't like my husband or she is 57 human years and she is setting her ways.is that a possible excuse?

Jun 14, 2011, 04:32 AM
No control over her bladder, kidney problems, diabetes, could be any on of these and more. Fifty seven human years doesn't mean a darn thing. Fifty seven year olds nowadays don't have geriatric problems.

Contrary to popular belief, cats need to drink water because they traditionally have problems with their urinary tracts if they don't. Most people don't put water down for their cats, along with the food, leaving cats to drink out of taps and find it elsewhere.
I guess its time to visit the vet.


Jun 17, 2011, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the hint.ill do that as soon as possible.

Jun 24, 2011, 10:40 AM
I would first suggest a trip to the vet, to make sure all is well with your kitty.
I recently rescued a stray male cat, who had not been neutered(until I got him neutered). When we decided to take him on as a fully indoor cat. We knew we had to do something about his spraying. That is where cats urinate to mark their territory. So we got him a litter box. He had never been in a house before. And obviously never used a litter box before. So we got him a litterbox. Every time he would pee outside the litterbox, I would bring him over to the litter box, as if to say, this is where you go if you need to do that. He was smart and he quickly caught on. There were still a few accidents though, so I heard from many people that cats do not like the smell of citrus. So Anytime he would have an accidents I would go to that place and clean it very well with citrus MR. Clean. Cats usually will go back and urinate somewhere where they smell their scent so it is very important to clean it very well. I suggest that every time you catch your cat peeing on the carpet you bring her to her litter box, then clean your carpet very well with a citrus cleaner. I know this can be a lot of work, but if you keep at it, the cat will learn.