View Full Version : Please Help

Jun 9, 2011, 09:46 PM
I am 57 yrs old male and I don't know what to do.Up until 2yrs ago my life was great.Then things went down hill fast.My dad died,month later one of my rental houses burnt down,no ins.in the same month my horse dies.I get married.6 months later get devorsed.Lose my job,move to Las Vegas with my mom in June and in July she dies.Now everything is in forcloser.I don't have a job or money.I don't have any family or friends.I have lost everything,I can't beleave it.I am so lonely and depressed.What would you do if you were me?I called a suicide hot line and told him I had lost all hope and wanted to end my life,he agreed.The only thing that stops me is I have two small dogs that I love and I am here for them.This is not an easy fix,I know.What would you do?Thank you for your time,Bob

Jun 9, 2011, 10:22 PM
What would you do?Thankyou for your time,Bob
Wow! You've had a lot on your plate! Thanks to your dogs, you're going to get through this. I'm glad you posted here, so me and others can chime in to help.

Well, first thing I would do is head for a library (but then, I'm a librarian). I'd go to the reference desk to find out what social services are available to me in Las Vegas and the area/county. I'd make copies or write down names and phone numbers to call when I got back home. Then I'd check out churches in the area. I'm a Lutheran preacher's kid, so I'd probably start with Lutheran ones, but would also be open to other churches, looking for a place where I could make a connection to a friendly community.

How am I doin' so far?