View Full Version : Custody battle ex wife gave up son changed child's school...

Jun 6, 2011, 08:49 AM
Ex-wife of a friend has given up custody of her son. She called her ex husband and told him to come get the kid, she doesn't want him anymore etc. So, ex husband went and picked up son from Staten Island and a few days later, enrolled him in school in Queens. Ex-wife is refusing to sign the amended child custody papers and continues to collect child support. So ex-husband is taking her to family court. This is going to cost a ridiculous amount of money to settle I'm sure. The boy is 12 years old in July and has lived with his mother and grandmother (Egyptian decent) and been abused almost daily. They went to battle four years ago but to no avail. How can an abusive Mother keep custody of a child? This boy is so messed up now, disrespectful, argumentative, bucks up against authority, doing poorly in school and pees in his bed frequently. His explosive temper and adapted attitude that all discussions lead to violence is going to take years to reverse if it can be at all. What is the matter with NY Divorce Laws? I'm Canadian - this is disgusting!! What can be done to save this child from being returned to a mother is neither deserving nor nurturing? I hope she has to pay back every penny since telling her ex-huband she no longer wants her son. Makes me sick!

Jun 6, 2011, 08:52 AM
This isn't a question. This is a rant and an anti-American rant, to boot. You apprently have very little knowledge of Canadian child support laws or you would be singing a different tune.

What part of this is going to cost a lot of money? The Family Court filing fee or something else? Family Court is both reasonable (if not free) and user friendly.

At any rate - he takes the child for a psych evaluation, takes PROOF of the problems to Court, PROVES the mother is unfit.

He also goes to Court - which he should have done on day one - and gets support stopped. Of course, if he's in arrears, he still owes that money.

How does she keep custody? I would have to see the Court's files in order to know that.

Jun 7, 2011, 03:27 AM
I'm Canadian - this is disgusting!!! !

LOL-this is disgusting to be Canadian?:D:D:D... but I am willing to agree with you.

Jun 7, 2011, 03:32 AM
Your friend needs to go to court and present evidence of the child's abuse while under the mother's care, and get the court to award him, at least temporary custody so he can be registered in school. Has he done so?

Has the court ruled on this?

Before you condemn NY Divorce laws (or anyone's divorce laws for that matter), have you been to court with your friend? Did you see what rulings the court has made or are you just going by what your friend told you?