View Full Version : Does relinquishing my?

May 27, 2011, 01:27 AM
I am on child support and I am paying it. But I do not know my child and the mother does not let me get to know him. And I feel like I do not know him I have no paternal feelings for him at all. Will relinquishing my paental rights get me off child support I do not mind paying child support but I don't feel any affection for my child and he does not even know that I am his father. I want nothing to do with him she is married to another man and has a very well paying job and so does her husband.

May 27, 2011, 03:40 AM
What makes you think you can relinquish your rights? This is a myth that I don't have a clue where it came from since its never be true.

Only a court can terminate parental rights. (if you had browsed aro9und a bit before posting you would have found hundreds of threads that state this) Courts are very reluctant to do so and will only do so in very specific circumstances. And they will never do so just to let a parent out of paying support. In some area, they will terminate rights but not responsibilities, so you might lose your rights but still be required to pay support.

As far as the mother not letting you see your child that's partially on you. When support was ordered did you get a visitation order? Have you tried enforcing it?

Since there is a step father, your only real chance of getting out of support is if the step father adopts the child.