View Full Version : Need help fast

May 22, 2011, 09:01 AM
My boyfriend and I were together for 11 years. He passed away suddenly 2 weeks ago. Besides trying to deal with the grief of losing the love of my life I am having to deal with his aunt. We lived together in a house that she owned. He bought it and we fixed it up. (putting in new floors, expanding the bathroom, master bedroom) We also furnished the house together. Now his aunt wants me to move which I was planning on doing anyway as looking around the house we shared is too painful, trouble is that his aunt wants me to leave all we bought together in the house. Most of what we bought was in my name so I know I have rights to that but what of the other stuff that we have that I don't have paperwork for?

May 22, 2011, 09:06 AM
In your state or country, could your relationship be considered common law? If so, then you would have rights.

This is why marriage is so important. "That piece of paper" is invaluable in situations like this.

May 22, 2011, 09:13 AM
No South Carolina is not a comman law state. Both of us thought it was but I found out its not

May 22, 2011, 09:17 AM
Opps I was wrong. This is a comman law state. South Carolina Common Law Marriage

May 22, 2011, 09:25 AM
Yes SC does still recognize common law marriages. This site may help you: South Carolina Common Law Marriage (http://www.south-carolina-divorce.com/common-law.html)

But even without that, unless something was in the house when you moved in, then its yours to take when you move out. However, any improvements you made to the house need to remain.

May 23, 2011, 05:00 AM
You can legally take what you can prove you paid for. Anything else is part of his estate.

I'm sorry for your loss. I was widowed. I can't imagine losing the person you love and then arguing over furniture and being forced to move.

Sad, indeed. The aunt sounds like she has problems.

Aside from this (and I know it's a big "aside"), how are you handling things?

Jun 2, 2011, 04:54 AM
If he bought the house from her, with his name on the deed, she has no claim to it (and certainly nothing in it) unless she has a lien on it (a loan) or unless he left it to her in a will. Assuming that he had no will, the property goes to his immediate family first, and so on, according to the laws of SC. Look up 'intestate law SC' or tell us what family he has. You might have a strong case for inheritance, with the help of a lawyer.

Jun 2, 2011, 05:01 AM
We lived together in a house that she owned. he bought it and we fixed it up. Hello t:

If your common law husband BOUGHT the house, it's YOURS and not his aunts... But, you're going to need a lawyer to keep your house.
