View Full Version : Heavy night sweats on legs and back ONLY?

May 17, 2011, 10:29 AM
I'm a 20 year old girl. Married. Non-smoker, non-drinker, I exercise 6 days a week, eat healthy 90% of the time. Not pregnant.

My problem is, I often wake up in the middle of the night with my legs DRENCHED in sweat and some sweat on the back of my neck and back, enough to soak through my clothes, blankets, and onto my mattress. I don't get nightmares, not that I remember anyway, so, I don't think this is the problem. Also, I keep my A/C on 60 degrees at night, with two fans blowing on me as well. So, it's definitely not from being too hot in the room.

I alway's seem to forget to mention this to my doctor whenever I go, and I don't have another appointment for about a month and a half. But when I go I get checked regularly for diabetes, because it runs in my family and have had an entire STD/HIV screening due to being raped. Everything comes back normal.

I've also had my thyroid checked and that came back normal.

Does anyone have any idea what causes this and how I can stop it? It's disgusting and making me miserable. ):

May 17, 2011, 11:14 AM
Without going all scientific on you I will try to explain what is happening to your legs and back, because it is not unusual to sweat on the legs, although very rare. Your hypothalamus gland controls the eccrine sweat glands that are located under your skin in many areas of your body. Your hypothalamus gland also controls body temp all over your body. Therefore this amazing gland is telling your eccrine sweat glands in your legs, back and neck that those areas of your body are just too hot. It has nothing to do with diabetes; and if your thyroid has been checked, that is out of the question, although with the thyroid there is a lot of fine tuning (another story).

Nothing much you can do, I get night sweats too and when I get too warm, the covers get thrown off.

I don't think your doctor will be able to give you an answer.
