View Full Version : Forbidden imagination, suicidal fish and eggs... I've forgotten the name

May 12, 2011, 03:05 PM
Ages ago my friend showed me this movie that I really liked, but I can't for the life of me remember its name or what the plot line is, I can just remember small bits.

I remember it's very colourful... I think the main character (male) had bright red hair.
When the main character was a child he was forbidden to use his imagination by his family (can't remember why) one day he drew a picture of them all standing holding hands and being a happy family (or something like that) and when his parents found it they kicked him out because it wasn't true to life at all and he'd used his imagination.
I hit a blank after that bit.
I also remember he had a goldfish, I don't think it could talk but it might have, anyway it jumped out of the bowl from an open window and committed suicide.
The main character had this weird thing about eggs, I can't remember if he loved them or he worked in a factory that processed them or something. I think he falls in love with a woman who is completely sensible (and he's completely insane).

Nothing makes sense but I hope someone will know what I'm talking about. X

May 12, 2011, 08:15 PM
Mr. Accident (2000) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0156807/)

May 13, 2011, 12:33 AM
Yay! Thank you! X