View Full Version : Is it normal to feel like this way when I smoke weed?

Apr 29, 2011, 07:09 AM
I smoke weed with a few of my pothead friends. When were done smokeing the first bowl, I feel giggly and laugh at everything. But nothing with my body. Then we smoke a blunt or two. That's when I start taking big hits. Then I feel like I'm going to past out, I get light headed and my ears get numb and all I see is red but I know all I have to do is sit down for like 15 minutes and it'll go away, is that me like about to pass out? Or is that the feeling of getting high? Also if I lay down my whole body like twitches. My legs, and arms. Is all this normal?

Apr 29, 2011, 07:10 AM
That's brain cells dying.

Apr 29, 2011, 07:13 AM
Hello p:

I don't know. I been smoking dope for 40 years... My ears never got red and my body never twitched... I'd quit if I was you.


Apr 29, 2011, 07:15 AM
That's brain cells dying.Hello again, smoothy:

The category here is medical science - NOT anti pot propaganda. J_9 SHOULD know better, too. She WORKS with the science's.


Apr 29, 2011, 07:21 AM
Chronic use of maryjane has shown persistent deficits in short-term memory loss. However...

Government experts now admit that pot doesn't kill brain cells.(8) This myth came from a handful of animal experiments in which structural changes (not actual cell death, as is often alleged) were observed in brain cells of animals exposed to high doses of pot. Many critics still cite the notorious monkey studies of Dr. Robert G. Heath, which purported to find brain damage in three monkeys that had been heavily dosed with cannabis.(9) This work was never replicated and has since been discredited by a pair of better controlled, much larger monkey studies, one by Dr. William Slikker of the National Center for Toxicological Research(10) and the other by Charles Rebert and Gordon Pryor of SRI International.(11) Neither found any evidence of physical alteration in the brains of monkeys exposed to daily doses of pot for up to a year. Human studies of heavy users in Jamaica and Costa Rica found no evidence of abnormalities in brain physiology.(12) Even though there is no evidence that pot causes permanent brain damage, users should be aware that persistent deficits in short-term memory have been noted in chronic, heavy marijuana smokers after 6 to 12 weeks of abstinence.(13) It is worth noting that other drugs, including alcohol, are known to cause brain damage.

Found here... Marijuana Health Mythology (http://www.lycaeum.org/paranoia/marijuana/facts/mj-health-mythology.html)

Apr 29, 2011, 07:28 AM
I just thought Smoothy's comment was funny. Yeah, it's not hard to make me giggle.

Apr 29, 2011, 07:30 AM
To the OP... Marijuana crosses the blood-brain barrier. It causes you to become paranoid, among other things. It sounds, though, like you might actually be having an allergic reaction to it. I'd lay off the pot if I were you.

Apr 29, 2011, 07:37 AM
Hello again, p:

One thing my winger friends and I agree on... If you get BUSTED for smoking pot, the ramifications are much worse than taking a couple hits...

Or, maybe they won't agree. I don't know.


Apr 29, 2011, 07:40 AM
Hello again, smoothy:

The category here is medical science - NOT anti pot propaganda. J_9 SHOULD know better, too. She WORKS with the science's.


Its not a PRO-drug propaganda forum either. And its not your area of expertise either. I admit I'm not in the medical field (never claimed to be)... but I do have 30+ years of experience seeing what its done to others that do use it long term.

Apr 29, 2011, 07:53 AM
Its not a PRO-drug propaganda forum either. And its not your area of expertise either. Hello again, smoothy:

Telling her my ears never turned red is NOT PRO drug propaganda. However, been using God's gift for over 40 years.. I know about the legalities of it too. I'd say that makes me an expert.


Apr 29, 2011, 07:55 AM
Umm, her ears didn't turn red, they got numb and she SEES red. My gums used to get numb when I smoked many years ago, but I never saw red.

Apr 29, 2011, 08:28 AM
Hello again, smoothy:

Telling her my ears never turned red is NOT PRO drug propaganda. excon

No, but your bash at smoothy and J_9 is...

When I used to smoke, my entire body would feel numbish (tingly) but I never saw all red. As time goes on your body will plateau as it gets used to the amount you smoke. Thus, creating you to need more and more to get "that" high.

This is just an assumption so correct me if I am wrong here but it sounds like either:

A) you're the unlucky allergic one


B) You're new at it and you're smoking too much in a small period.

What's wrong with stopping with that first bowl and enjoying the laughing, giggly feeling? Why MUST you continue until you're border-line fainting? It's a thing enjoyed with moderation. Just because you have a bag doesn't mean you need to smoke it all.

Apr 29, 2011, 08:38 AM
No, but your bash at smoothy and J_9 is...Hello again, IT:

Correcting INCORRECT information on a SCIENCE board, and doing it POLITELY, isn't bashing anybody. If you want to call that pro pot propaganda, like smoothy did - have at it.


Apr 29, 2011, 08:39 AM
Okay folks, this isn't one of the discussion forums and "bashing" each other isn't helping the OP.

Let's get back on track, shall we?

Apr 29, 2011, 08:51 AM
I just want to add that frequently blunts are laced with other drugs such as cocaine or crack just for example. This may be why you are having adverse reactions after smoking blunts.

Apr 29, 2011, 08:58 AM
this isn't one of the discussion forums and "bashing" each other isn't helping the OP.Hello again, J:

Although, heated, I think the discussion DOES help the OP. At 15, she should be aware of the controversy surrounding pot. She should recognize that it's a drug, and doing ANY drug HAS consequences. I even mentioned the LEGAL ones.

Yes, I smoke. But, I'm NOT pro pot. I tell the TRUTH about it. I don't suggest people smoke it. I especially don't suggest that children smoke it. It's a SERIOUS drug. But, the way to get children to NOT smoke it, is certainly NOT to lie to them. Telling them it kills cells when it DOESN'T, in fact, has the OPPOSITE effect.

You don't have to LIE to people to tell them that drug use is SERIOUS. The truth will do just fine. If the FIRST response would have been that, I would have told her from the get go, that CHILDREN should not smoke pot.. But, I had to deal with the propaganda first. Maybe NEXT time we can START with the truth.


Apr 29, 2011, 09:02 AM
I just want to add that frequently blunts are laced with other drugs such as cocaine or crack just for example. This may be why you are having adverse reactions after smoking blunts.

I do not fully agree with this statement. I have smoked many a blunt and never once has there been coke or crack in it. BUT it does happen the numbness and everything she is explaining does sound like there may have been coke in it. But most hardcore drug users (crack coke etc... ) are not going to waste their drugs on someone else.

Apr 29, 2011, 09:03 AM
You're right Exy... I missed the part where the OP was 15!

Apr 29, 2011, 09:04 AM
all i have to do is sit down for like 15 mins and itll go away,

Is this where you got that she was 15?

Apr 29, 2011, 09:07 AM
Wait... so what I'm explaining is highness? Sometimes in kind of feels like I'm floating in the air and I can't get my balance, but I walk like a drunk person when I'm high.. is that normal or what? And I'm 17!

Apr 29, 2011, 09:10 AM
I do not fully agree with this statement. I have smoked many a blunt and never once has there been coke or crack in it. BUT it does happen the numbness and everything she is explaining does sound like there may have been coke in it. But most hardcore drug users (crack coke etc...) are not going to waste their drugs on someone else.

You can disagree if you want, but when labor and delivery is empty, I work in the ER. I've seen heart attacks caused by smoking an "innocent" blunt happen in teens when the UDS reveals cocaine use. Crack is very inexpensive compared to cocaine. They aren't wasting their drugs on someone else when they are sharing the blunt. As a matter of fact, I transferred a 29 year old who was pregnant and had a positive UDS, with a MI (myocardial infarction (heart attack)) to a higher level of care just last week because she shared a blunt.

Apr 29, 2011, 09:16 AM
Is this where you got that she was 15?Hello again, J:

I suppose... Whaddya want? I just smoked a big one myself. Anyway, 17 isn't much different than 15.


Apr 29, 2011, 09:28 AM
I do not fully agree with this statement. I have smoked many a blunt and never once has there been coke or crack in it. BUT it does happen the numbness and everything she is explaining does sound like there may have been coke in it. But most hardcore drug users (crack coke etc... ) are not going to waste their drugs on someone else.

So just because you've never smoked a joint that was laced with something means it doesn't exist.. Come on now!

OP: We can't tell you what "high" is for you because it can be different for everyone. When I was high I was always laughing and tingly. Does that mean it's the same for you? Absolutley not, only you know when you're high, but keep in mind limitations and moderation. Just like food :D

Apr 29, 2011, 09:28 AM
You can disagree if you want, but when labor and delivery is empty, I work in the ER.Hello again, J:

One can't say that things never happen... I'm SURE there's a crack head out there who puts crack in his blunt, although it's very hard to smoke that way. But, in the marijuana world as a whole, NOBODY adulterates their good pot... It's like saying that people dilute their Pinot Grigio with grain alcohol.

In fact, since there isn't a marijuana exchange commission to complain to, a marijuana producer/salesman has ONLY his reputation in the marketplace.


Apr 29, 2011, 09:30 AM
Hello again, J:

One can't say that things never happen... I'm SURE there's a crack head out there who puts crack in his blunt, although it's very hard to smoke that way. But, in the marijuana world as a whole, NOBODY adulterates their good pot... It's like saying that people dilute their Pinot Grigio with grain alcohol.

In fact, since there isn't a marijuana exchange commission to complain to, a marijuana producer/salesman has ONLY his reputation in the marketplace.


Again, where I come from I have seen a joint laced with more than just marijuana! Does that mean it's everywhere? Absolutely not, but the realit is it COULD happen!

Apr 29, 2011, 09:36 AM
Well, everyone's high is different.

I don't think it's a good idea to smoke THAT much. If it's making your body twitch, and making you see red, and making your ears go numb... I'm thinking you're smoking too much.

If it's concerning you enough to have to ask other people if it's normal... then I'd say slow it down a little bit.

Apr 29, 2011, 09:49 AM
Lets just legalize Heroin and crack... how about Crank...

And how about just going whole hog and getting rid of drunk driving laws...

Fact is there are things one should NOT ingest... there is NOTHING that is safe to smoke... (yeah, Tobacco is included).

Perhaps we should just ask the meth heads and long term Heroin addicts what they think and call their advice on it as indisputable.

People that habitually get falling down drunk have just as much of a substance abuse issue as potheads who half of their life revolves around getting more pot to smoke or trying to convince everyone else how its safer than baby aspirin.

Drunks should not be dictating Alcohol laws... drug users should not be dictating Drug laws... and Murderers should not be dictating Murder laws.

And how does the OP know what he was smoking wasn't laced... with PCP, crank... etc.

Apr 29, 2011, 10:03 AM
Drug abuse is a HUGE problem in this day and age. NO substance should control your ability to function normally-unless it's clinically impossible for you to function without it otherwise.

My grandmother is addicted to painkillers-I mean severely addicted. My lead guitarist can't go more than 24 hours without weed-and I mean it makes him super cranky. I can't go a work day without my coffee.

It's all unhealthy, and we should work to improve it at a society.

I'm going to sidestep the conversation about who should be controlling the legislation regarding drugs.

Marijuana is unhealthy to smoke as any other thing that one would smoke. Several people use it, legitimately, in a medicinal way. As someone with IBS-I can say that it IS useful, and when used appropriately. I have been desperately trying to find a way to adjust my diet so I don't have to rely on ANY drug whatsoever for relief. But, legitimate needs for this drug shouldn't be scoffed at because there are abusers. That can be said of any drug or medicine.

Apr 29, 2011, 10:08 AM
Question: do you sometimes get muscle spasms/ twitches when you aren't high, but then when you notice one when you are high it happens more often?
If so then id say that's fine, just try your best to not care (when high that should be easy enough :D )

I haven't had the red vision, but its been said already, because it can be different for everyone.