View Full Version : Looking for a movie title for a 80s/90s cartoon

Apr 19, 2011, 02:10 AM
I watched this movie a lot when I was about 3-4, so in the early 90s... It was about I *believe two cats who owned a bakery, and the man cat shared the cake with all of the neighborhood children, and his wife was upset because it was bad for business? I think the moral was something about sharing... I remember there were white cakes with little red berries on them.. And at some point the man cat took neighborhood children to pick berries for the cakes. I know there was a wolf-like villain, who turned out to just have a terrible toothache.. And the village put on a play at some point also, where the wolf was inside a fake swan. I also remember that this movie was narrated by a woman with brown curly hair with bangs, and she was in her own kitchen when it flashed back to her. I believe this movie had the word "land" or "village" in the title, but I'm not sure. Please help!

Apr 19, 2011, 06:19 PM
Sounds like an episode of,

Maple Town

Mr. & Mrs. Cat owned the Maple Town
Bakery, and the town was often bothered
By Wilde Wolf

View intro (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iOL4wt8Zog)

The House Made of Love (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xfiyod_maple-town-the-house-made-of-love-part-1_creation)