View Full Version : Long distance relationship

Apr 18, 2011, 02:26 PM
Hi people,
I am here with great hopes and prayers for some useful tips.
I have known a girl for the last almost 4 years as an online friend until last month when I proposed to her and the very next month she came down to our country... and in the meantime she called to her place and I spent 5 days with her family too... time spent with her and her family was awesome.. everyone was very loving and sweet...

We only shared a friendly relationship but now I love her a lot and she does too.. the problem is she is more than 3 oceans away from where I live... we both love each other a lot and we want this long distance to be a successful one in us getting married in the future.. we are both 28 yrs old... she has 2 kids... I really don't mind at all.I love them too.. I honestly do... though I'm not their biological father, for some reason, I strongly feel for them as my own... my parents,my family memebers all are happy with us...

Can I get any advice on how to go on with this long distance relationship pleae?because I have never been into one till now.. thanks a lot my friends.

With great hopes ad prayers,

Apr 18, 2011, 02:43 PM
It will be very difficult for you to have this kind of relationship. Is there some reason why one or the other does not move?

Apr 18, 2011, 10:53 PM
If you are both serious, then you talk, and make plans, and then work together to make them happen, to over come the obstacles that you face.

Apr 19, 2011, 08:29 AM
Yes, I can understand its going to be very difficult.. but we both love each other a lot and we have very good communication too, either over the phone or through chatting(webcam)... both of us share very good relationship with each other's family too.
We talk a lot on phone.. almost everyday and every time.. do you think talking too much is bad? Plese give me some tips... she calls me everyday.well so far she has been very good to me and I did the same from myside too...
Please give me some tips to retain this LDR to make it an everlasting love in getting us married... please help.

Apr 19, 2011, 09:12 AM
How old are you both and tell me why you both cannot make a plan to get the distance thing solved??

Apr 19, 2011, 01:54 PM
We are both 28 yrs old and the reason why this distance thing cannot be solved is because she is in europe and I am in india... had we been in the same country then it would not have been a problem at all for me to travel to her place once or twice every two months...

Apr 19, 2011, 02:52 PM
What do you mean by can't solved?

Aren't you planning on solving it?

Apr 19, 2011, 07:14 PM
If two people cannot solve their problems together, they will eventually be apart. Solve the distance thing and see where it goes.

Is it worth one of you relocating and getting a job where the other is? If one of you is unwilling, I fail to see the point.

Jun 2, 2011, 09:19 AM
Agree with talaniman.
A classic example, one of my friend from Sweden, fell in love with a guy from Kerala. Within six months, she came over here in tourist Visa, got married, later he got his Visa to Sweden and they both are living happily in Sweden. But he did not hesitate in relocating to Sweden and find a job there. There should be some sacrifice. Wish you good luck