View Full Version : How much would it cost for my boyfriend to adopt my son in IL?

Apr 17, 2011, 05:04 PM
I have a 18 month old son. His father has not been around since he was 3 days old. My husband to be wants to adopt the baby after we get married. How hard would it be to get the baby's daddys name off the birth cer. And for my boyfriend to adopt him? How much would that cost?

Apr 17, 2011, 05:12 PM
This site should help you:

Illinois Legal Aid | Procedure For Related/Stepparent Adoption (http://www.illinoislegalaid.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.dsp_content&contentID=1713)

The cost can vary depending on how difficult it will be to get the father's consent.

Apr 17, 2011, 05:15 PM
Well he has said he would but he hasn't tried to get his name removed as far as I know

Apr 17, 2011, 05:24 PM
He doesn't get his name removed - removed from what?

When you are married and your husband wants to adopt the child the father is sent legal paper to sign (and have notarized) and returned to the Court. If he won't sign - no adoption.

Did you read the site Scott researched and posted?

Apr 17, 2011, 05:27 PM
As Judy said you are mixing up the order of things. FIRST, you get married. After you are married for a year, you submit the petition for adoption. As part of that petition you get the father to sign over his rights.

There is nothing the father can do until the adoption petition is filed and he's sent the paperwork to sign.

Apr 17, 2011, 05:35 PM
Agreed, ex does not "get his name off" it is up to you, to file the paper work. But most areas will require you to be married and married for about one year before you can file.

You file, your attorney sends the paper work to the ex, and he signs it.

If he signs it, no problem, but if he does not, most likely it will not go though.