View Full Version : Back to original MD for surgery

Apr 13, 2011, 02:29 PM
I moved two hours away from my hometown and OBGYN. I needed to been seen as soon as possible to be checked for Endometrieosis as a recommendation from my pcp. My husband asked me to go see a local OBGYN to be checked and then I could still see my original OBGYN for my yearly visits and if we have more children, so I did. The new OB is suggesting I get laparoscopy surgery because after a pelivc exam and sonogram he still doesn't see anything but wants to be sure. I would feel more comfortable having my original OBGYN perform this surgery because I have been seeing him for 4 years now and he delivered my son via c-section and he did a great job. Can I make an appointment for him to perfom this surgery without having to have these exams with him and just have the information sent to him or will he need to see me in order to do so.

Apr 13, 2011, 02:37 PM
The only person who can answer this is your original OB/GYN.

I would be surprised if he agrees to do the surgery without seeing you, based on another Doctor's recommendation. I'd be more surprised if your insurance paid under those conditions.

Please don't open new threads on this same subject. We are volunteers and it takes a little while to get to all of the questions.

Call Doctor #1 and ask.

Apr 13, 2011, 03:14 PM
No doctor is going to perform surgery without an initial exam.

Have you talk to your original OB/Gyn for recommendations of physicians in your new area?