View Full Version : I'm such an idiot

Jan 23, 2007, 09:43 PM
OK well most of you know about my situation with my ex. I just talked to him after not talking to him for about a week and I was disgusted by what he was doing. He was over to this girl maria's house. Before we broke up he told me that he thought she was hot and that he would deff. Do things with her and she's only 16 and he's 18!! I can't believe that after only a week he's over to some nasty skanks house trying to get laid. I got mad when I found out he was over there because first off he usually calls her house the "daughters" house or lennies old house but this time he said I'm over to marias which just points out that he is over there for her!! And when I first got on the phone with him he said he couldn't talk because his battery was dying yet I talked to him fro about 20 minutes! Lyer!! I told him that I wanted to move back to New York and work things out and he told me that it wasn't going to happen. When I asked him if he still loved me he said he honetly didn't know. I know thinking about getting back together with him is wrong but I want to be with him and I want him to be with me and only me! I just don't understand how he can treat me like I'm a piece of s.h.i.t and make me feel like I'm the one who's doing it all wrong. This whole situation is so f*ed up I just want it to end I just want to be happy with my boyfriend again!

Jan 23, 2007, 09:48 PM
Do you still not think it is time to move on from this guy and realise it is over and will never be again?

Surely you do?

Please tell me you do!

Reading your other post you are in massive denial so let me say it clearly for you one more time.

He isn't your boyfriend. He doesn't love you. You don't love him. This is NOTHING!!

And frankly your better off with nothing than what you would have with him!

Jan 23, 2007, 09:50 PM
No I really do love him, I want things to work out we've been so happy since we got back together he really appreciated me I just want it to be that way again!

Jan 23, 2007, 09:52 PM
Well guess what?

He doesn't love you. Not one little bit. He hasn't got an ounce of respect for you!

Your nothing to him but a notch on his belt.

By your own admission he is off getting laid now by some 16 year old.
Great guy.

And you still want him!

It is almost laughable.

Get over it and move on!

Jan 23, 2007, 09:54 PM
I know its so screwed up that I want still want him and I don't know why he just made me so happy I want to be happy again
What does admission mean?

Jan 23, 2007, 09:58 PM
What does admission mean?

In the context I used it in it means simply that "you said it yourself".

You said it yourself that he is off screwing some 16 year old.

Being with him won't make you happy. You think it will but it won't.

Stop tormenting yourself and accept it is over. Acceptance is the first step to healing.

Jan 23, 2007, 10:13 PM
I can't let go... as bad as he is treating me now all I think about is how good things were... what should I tell him the next time I talk to him??

Jan 24, 2007, 06:04 AM
i can't let go... as bad as he is treating me now all i think about is how good things were...

Key word here is WERE!

How good things WERE!

They are not good anymore. He does not want you. He does not love you.

Stop beating yourself up and move on. Find a guy who will respect you and treat you how you deserve to be treated. Preferably in your own state.

Long distance relationships rarely work.

Feb 14, 2007, 08:53 PM
WOW! I did not mind being right. Thanks for the update.