View Full Version : Who likes American idol?

Jan 22, 2007, 02:53 PM
Well, the show just started another season & I'm all geared up for the entertainment!
I usually watch it live or record it when I can't. Last week they started with the process of elimination. Some of these contestants were so bad but so humorous of course. Then after they get their walking papers, they are so shocked & crying sometimes. As if they thought they had any talent in the 1st place! Takes all kinds, I say!
Now I like Randy (judge) the best. He is even keeled. Paula Abdul I think is too "generous" at times & Simon is a perfectionist.(whatever that brings)
I liked the 3rd runner up last year but he blew it by singing an unknown song at a critical time-& it did not have the "wow" factor.
It's not time yet for the voting but I'll have the # ready on redial when it is!

Jan 22, 2007, 02:57 PM
Me, me! It's one of only a couple network programs that our family watches. Yes, the beginning sessions showing all the whack-0-wanna-be-idols is pretty funny! :p

Jan 22, 2007, 02:59 PM
Me too!!

Tomorrow night is Memphis auditions. I have to see if there is anyone I know. I do know of 4 that got on (not personally, but from my town), but will they be televised? I will have to wait and see.

Jan 22, 2007, 07:23 PM
Oh me toooooo. I just love the show. Boy they are really getting grilled for this year though. I do love Simon so much. I laugh so much I honestly fall off the couch. More at Simons facial expressions. Last week I do think he went a bit over the top with the boy with the big eyes. Something about he looked like one of the jungle monkeys. But I did hear that Simon apologized. I actaully think Simon deep down has a big heart. I love Paula and Randy too. I just love the show period.

Jan 22, 2007, 07:47 PM
Just for the sake of argument, I will tell you that I do not care much for American Idol. These people who get the audidtion should have to go through a preliminary audtion before getting on TV so we can spared the wretched noise and the sarcastic comments. To seemingly go out of one's way to mock someone's best efforts is not humor nor is it enjoyable.

Jan 22, 2007, 07:53 PM

I do completely understand what you are saying. I do find great humor when Paula and Simon go at it, although it's probably more playful than anything. What I enjoy most about it is the actual competition, not so much the auditions being run now. Unless during the auditions, you hear that one singer and go WOW now that is a singer. But I most enjoy when the competition is underway and seeing one great singer after another.

I do get a great charge out of Simon, not so much for his unkind words, but the bantering with Paula and Ryan. They do just crack me up.

Some of the people who come out for the auditons do just break your heart.

But overall, I really enjoy the show. But I do understand about the ridicule. I think they get immuned and don't realize how it is coming across. I also think with some of the people who come out they are trying to let them know that they will never be a singer. They don't want these people to be taken advantage of my someone filling their heads with false hope.

Sorry didn't mean to make this so long.

Jan 22, 2007, 07:59 PM
It is okay and I understand what you are saying. Once those horrid audtions are over and the real competition begins, I find the show interesting. But that is a small part of the show. Lol. I do not like how Ryan Seacrest eggs the losers on in badmouthing Simon. But I guess it is all for ratings and the show sure has them, regardless of what Rosie on "The View" thinks (she is a whole different topic - lol).

Jan 22, 2007, 08:02 PM
Rosie sure did have a busy couple of weeks... yikes LOL.

I have a feeling that Simon will tone it down after last week. I was a bit speechless with some of his "observations". But if you notice, they just flow out of his mouth, I really don't think he means any harm at all. It doesn't make it right, I know. But I did hear he apologized.

So we may see a more gentler loving Simon. Okay, that may be pushing it just a tad LOL

Jan 22, 2007, 08:16 PM
I think it was all for attention and ratings that Rosie commented about Paula Abdula's drinking.

Jan 24, 2007, 12:08 AM
To seemingly go out of one's way to mock someone's best efforts is not humor nor is it enjoyable.

I agree.

Unfortunately, it's ratings. It's half of the reason why people watch these types of shows, so they can feel good about the fact that it's not them humiliating themselves on national television. I don't watch it, frankly it bores me. It's full of hidden agendas, which are pretty hard to get away from in modern television. If I want to watch someone humble themselves, all I have to do is go downtown and find someone holding up a cardboard sign begging for others to give them money or food. I can't sing worth a darn, and the people that go on to these types of shows, knowing they can't either, do it for exposure. It's pure desparation, and America loves it. Seeing how bad someone else is makes you feel better about yourself, right? Kind of like slowing down at an accident to see how bad somebody else got injured, instead of just getting the heck out of the way so the emergency crew can do their job.


Finding new talent and appreciating it, I'm good with. The amusement at those who have no talent, I despise. Just my side of the fence, hope I didn't offend.

Jan 25, 2007, 02:58 AM
Good programme, my mum watches it. The bad auditions are funny. Living in the UK, I don't know who the blonde woman is? She is one of the judges.

Jan 25, 2007, 03:00 AM
Oh my, Laugh my off every time I watch it. It is so so funny.

The start of American idol the guest judge was JEWEL, very popular singer. One of my favorites.


Jan 25, 2007, 05:26 AM
I think it is a total waste of time. I have only watched three shows and just couldn't watch it anymore.
My wife likes it though

Feb 1, 2007, 12:55 AM
What's American Idol?

Feb 1, 2007, 01:21 AM
Chuff you do not really know what american idol is?

Feb 7, 2007, 01:56 PM
I got to tell you. Last nights show did break my heart. Especially for the girl who was just brought to tears. She was a very shy girl, on the heavy side and before she even started signing, all 3 of them were laughing. I cried right with the girl.

I think Simon, Paula And Randy, just get punky after awhile and I don't think they are trying to hurt anyone. They were even trying to cover up the fact that they were laughing.
That was pretty bad.


On a lighter note, I will admit, I laugh when the contestants use the wrong door to leave. All night I heard in my sleep Simon's voice... '"Other door"... Other door... Other door.

Why don't they just post a sign on the darn door!!

But some of those girls last night were just awesome. The one just took my breath away.

Feb 7, 2007, 02:34 PM
I am a big fan. My family all get together at least one night that it is on and have an American Idol party. The game for PS2 is unbelievable fun too! I find myself getting as frustrated as Simon sometimes with the people that are so tone deaf that it hurts to listen, it makes me wonder why their families let them go in the first place!! LOL

Feb 7, 2007, 02:39 PM
Last year at this time (https://www.askmehelpdesk.com/member-discussions/any-american-idol-fans-out-there-21477.html#post100671) I predicted one of the guys would win. No big deal since it's 50/50.

I said my favorite was Tyler, but I predicted that Americans would not vote him as the best... I was wrong. Only when he stayed in until the top 12 did I predict he'd win.

I'll have to try again this year. Once they do their Hollywood stuff we'll have to start a new thread for predictions :)

Feb 7, 2007, 02:42 PM
Too cool Rick I would love that!! Boy are some of those girls good though. My goodness!

Oh and yes... "other door"

Feb 7, 2007, 02:49 PM
I was just going to say that!! LOL, other door! That seems to be the theme this year! Did you see the one girl that ran right into and practically fell on the floor!! LOL oh my I am still laughing about that one.

Feb 7, 2007, 03:09 PM
How about the girl that actually made it through the locked door!!

Feb 7, 2007, 03:15 PM
That was pretty good too! They were all amazed that she got through!

Feb 7, 2007, 03:17 PM
I don't like when the people get their feelings hurt.

I do admit though, Simon gets sooo grumpy, that its' funny. Sometimes just his facial expressions get me. "I didn't understand one word of that"

Mar 7, 2007, 09:49 AM
Okay, I am reviving this thread for a reason. I will now admit that I am an AI closet junky. I used to just watch the auditions because I got a good laugh out of them. But then, last season, they got me. Hook, line, and sinker. Can't really explain why.

I don't like feeling that I have to tune in to something. Pisses me off. But, I have to talk (rant) about last night's show somewhere. So, here I am.

What the hell? That had to be the most boring and uninspired hour I have ever spent. I was ready to chew off my fingers to my knucklebone I was so bored. I didn't call in for anyone. I don't care if any of the guys make it this time around. Nothing too special about any one of them. And, what is up with Sanjaya? He reminds me of a little mouse. Why the heck is he still there? Do you think he is getting votes through the Vote for the Worst website? Who here is voting for the guy because I am coming after you!

I hope tonights program with the girls is an improvement. And, if that chick "Barbarella" doesn't get voted off this week, I am going to scream. Awful doesn't even cover it. Yes, she is quite the eye candy. But when she opens up here mouth, sheesh!

Okay. Rant over.

Mar 7, 2007, 09:58 AM
Wow, you hag (Sorry guys there is a joke behind the name calling)!! That was quite the rant. LMAO

I feel the same way you do about last night. I about shot my TV for wasting my time.

There is no one with any semblance of talent this year in my opinion.

I miss Chris Daughtry from last season, and he should have won dagnabit!!

Mar 7, 2007, 10:00 AM
Yeah, you old crone. What do you know?:p

Mar 7, 2007, 10:03 AM
Sorry, hit the send button before I could finish. I guess I am an old hag.

I think two of the woman are going to be in competition in the end, Melinda and that other one, (being old I can't remember the name). The one who sang, You're going to Love Me the two weeks ago.

Mar 7, 2007, 10:09 AM
I am being forced to endure this drivel by my wife and daughter. For this I am missing NCIS, The Unit, Friday Night Lights, L & O Criminal Intent, etc.

I hate reality shows!

Mar 7, 2007, 10:12 AM
Who you calling an old crone!! LMFAO

You old http://www.ask-it-here.com/emoticons/bat.gif

Mar 7, 2007, 10:12 AM
I agree the men this year are just so BLAHHH with one minor exception... the puffy hair kid that sang the song for his wife last week. I kind of like him, but I did not see him sing last night.

All I have to say is that you know it is a bad night of AI when I fall asleep before it is even over.

I say women all the way!

Mar 7, 2007, 10:14 AM
Yeah, the puffy hair dude is pretty good. He wasn't all that good last night if I remember right though.

I want CHRIS back!!

Mar 7, 2007, 10:17 AM
LMAO too! Cool graphics J_9!

Scott, so did I! That is what is really pissing me off. How the heck did I manage to get sucked into this after avoiding it so long? I have to find a hobby!

Tuscany, I tried toothpicks to keep my eyelids open. Didn't help much. Chris aka puffy hair guy was okay, not as good as last week. There was no spark, no magic. It was like a lackluster karaoke talent show last night.

Mar 7, 2007, 10:22 AM
Daughtry needs to come back... at least then I had something to look at... and he could sing!

Mar 7, 2007, 10:28 AM
OMG, I love Daughtry!! He will be here in Tennesse (in my town, yum) in a week. I wish I could go, but have a test the next day.

What eye candy he is!! (At least IMHO)

Mar 7, 2007, 10:28 AM
I liked him too, nice eye candy.

Although, I when I think of him all that I can visualize still is the look of shock on his face when he was voted off.

From what I see and read, he and Catherine have done very well so far. Taylor Hicks may be the first AI winner that doesn't make it big.

Mar 7, 2007, 10:29 AM
Taylor, what about Rubin? Wasn't he a winner who did nothing with his talents?

Mar 7, 2007, 10:31 AM
How about Kelly Pickler's song Red High Heels.
That makes me laugh every time I hear it.
Poor Taylor... he needs to be on Broadway

Mar 7, 2007, 10:32 AM
I think his first album has done better than Taylor's. But, yes, he seems to have fallen to the wayside now. Taylor seems to have done it a bit faster though.

Mar 7, 2007, 10:34 AM
That whole thing between Pickler and Seacrest last week cracked me up. He kept asking her what she spent her money on while looking at her chest. She said lots of shoes. Didn't fess up to the boobie job she had.

Mar 7, 2007, 10:36 AM
What about Seacrest and Simon this season... seems to be a bit more bantering than usual...

Mar 7, 2007, 10:36 AM
OMG, I didn't even notice that.

Has anyone seen "Are you smarter than a 5th grader"

Errrmmm, I'm not.http://www.ask-it-here.com/emoticons/bash.gif

Well, I got MOST of last weeks questions right. But even Johnny (5) got some right too.http://www.ask-it-here.com/emoticons/embarassed.gif

Mar 7, 2007, 10:47 AM
There does seem to be more friction between Ryan and Simon this year. Ryan really hates Simon. And, I think Simon doesn't give a damn. I have to admit, I have secret crush on Simon. Shhh. Don't tell anyone. ;) He cracks me up and for the most part, he is right on target with his opinions

J_9, I have seen that show. Love the kiddies on it. I wondered if they are picking contestants who really don't remember anything. Most of those questions, I knew the answers to. I am a big fan of Jeopardy when I have the time to watch it. I wonder what would happen if they used any of those contestants for that new show. Some of those questions were so easy. But, I guess nerves probably play a big factor in it. Fun and educational show actually. I think it will be around for a while.

Mar 7, 2007, 10:52 AM
Okay Ruby so you are smarter than a 5th grader, don't rub it in http://www.ask-it-here.com/emoticons/curse.gif. LOL

But I do like Simon's style, as cruel and crass as it is, he is honest, brutally honest, but honest nonetheless.

Mar 7, 2007, 11:02 AM
Yup, I am smarter than a 5th grader. Nyah to you.:p

I wish I could do the koooool graphics you can. My system isn't capable of it. I have been putting off buy a new system as long as I can. Now with the new Vista coming out, I might have to rethink it and find the money somehow. Although, I am thinking about switching to a MAC. When I am ready, I will be picking Scott's brain.

And yes, Simon is brutally honest. But, that is what got me hooked I think. If these kids would listen to what he says, it would serve them well.

Mar 7, 2007, 11:10 AM
Simon's attitude is what got me hooked too. Now though I kind of watch it to see what shape Paula will be in... although it was a lot worse during auditions, she seems better now.

I like that Smarter then a 5th grader show and I find the questions to be easy... but I can see where some would find them difficult. They are not questions that would arise in some peoples' everyday world.

Mar 7, 2007, 08:47 PM
Hi guys! Did you see A.I. tonight? I like it. It's one of the shows I really enjoy to get away from reality. That Pickler girl looked like a teenager last year & now she looked 30 to me last night!
Anyway, the guys have maybe one good singer but the gals have a few. The one who sang last tonight, I think she'll win or be close with the other black girl with the short hair. I do have to get their names. All that but I voted for the black girl, Semantha? no, but her name starts with S. I voted for the other Chris with the short hair. In fact , I voted for the both of them last week too.
Catherine McVee was on Jay Leno last night. I thought she was way better than Taylor Hicks but I think she lost because she acted a little stuck-up like attitude.
So, how did you like the gals' performances tonight?

Mar 7, 2007, 11:19 PM
Doolittle is an amazing singer. The best.

Simon is hilarious. I usually agree with him. Honest, straight to the point and does not really care if people like his opinion or not.


Mar 8, 2007, 12:10 AM
Hardly see the show, but my wife's had it on a few times this last week.

Simon is the only one on the show who has a clue and lives in the real world. Ryans insults about simon seem to be the only gag he's got at this point.

Mar 8, 2007, 06:35 AM
The only male who has a chance of sticking around is Burke. Since I really haven't followed the show in the past, I'm not sure of how the eliminations go. But the finals are going to come down to all girls. My prediction; DooLittle is going to do a LOT! Melinda is clearly the one to beat. Lakisha has a chance. Stephanie and Jordan will round out the top 4. The rest will fall by the wayside.

Mar 8, 2007, 06:39 AM
If Melinda Doolittle doesn't win this competition, I will be very, very upset and take it out on everyone around me! Heehee.

She has been the most consistent in her vocals. She is amazing. As all the judges pointed out, she is already in the professional category, she can cut an album tomorrow.
All the rest, cannot hold a candle to her. I love Lakisha but even she is miles behind Melinda.

Retrotia, I agree about Kelly Pickler. Her makeover made her look like a middle aged hausfrau.

The white rocker chick was pretty good last night only because she is different and sets herself apart from the crowd. There was another white girl there that was okay, but bland. I think she will go tonight. No one is ready for Barbarella to go home, even though she should. Sorry, can't remember any of the white girls names. They kind of all look alike to me.

Mar 8, 2007, 07:11 PM
Dogonnit! Rats!
They voted my gal off tonight! Even Randy said America got that one wrong. I thought she would go to the last 4. Bye Sabrina. She had more talent than all the white chicks combined.
AND she was better looking too.
So I guess I just want to see if Melinda beats Stephanie now. At least that's my opinion- those 2- but the way America kept those other white girls in this week- I'm not certain at all on how the votes will go.
Oh well, that was fun... NOT! :(

Mar 8, 2007, 07:19 PM
What about sundance getting the boot instead of sanjaya?

Mar 9, 2007, 06:15 AM
Sundance deserved another week. So did Jared. Phil, Chris and Sanjaya should have been the ones voted out (or at least 2 of those 3). But, frankly it don't matter. There are at least 5 girls better than any of the guys. Including Sabrina who got robbed last night.

But then even that don't matter. Unless she really screws up Melinda has it locked up.

Mar 9, 2007, 06:22 AM
Well, I finally got my wish! Barbie Doll is gone and we don't have to be tortured anymore listening to her sing. I was kind of shocked about Sabrina. There were others that should have gone before her. But, in the end I guess it doesn't matter. I think if Melinda keeps bringing it every week the way she has, she will walk away with it this year. But, sorry Retro, I don't agree about Stephanie. She has potential and I think she will be in the lower number of the finals but it is going to be neck and neck with LaKisha. Melinda is just so far ahead of everyone else in her capabilities, training, and talent. If for some strange reason, she doesn't win, she will be like Chris Daughtry and Clay Aiken. She will be picked up for a contract by someone and will do very, very well.

Yes J, I keep waiting for Sanjaya to get the boot. Not that unhappy about Sundance because he hasn't been very consistent in his performances. But, a little surprised that it wasn't the two of them going home instead of what was his name? Jared? Although I am not really disappointed. When compared to the women, only Blake has that certain something. What is weird about Sanjaya is that he is a good singer. His problem is a total lack of confidence. There is no power behind his voice and there isn't any spark in his performances. Simon was right. It is like watching a high school musical when he performs. He needs more work and polish and to get some self-assurance.

Mar 9, 2007, 08:52 AM
SUNDANCE! What the heck happened there?
Let's face it... Phil was nowhere as good as Sundance

Mar 9, 2007, 09:57 AM
Remember Jennifer Hudson was voted out in a previous year. Shows how knowledgeable Americans are about talent.

This is only a talent show until it gets to the final 24. When America starts voting it becomes a popularity contest. I guess Sabrina and Sundance don't have as many friends and Haley and Phil.

Mar 9, 2007, 10:42 AM
Very true Scott.
It is almost like Prom Queen and King when we were in high school

Mar 27, 2007, 08:42 AM
I agree Scott. It's a popularity contest. Simon was in a magazine saying he thinks it will be Melinda & Latisha. That , I wonder, must have been before Latisha sang last week-bc I didn't think she did the song any justice. The audience seems to like Blake. He's got a good chance if he sings as well as he did last week(which surprised me)
Peter Noon(sp) & Lulu(sp) were great guests. They both have had plastic surgery& looked great! Lol.

Mar 27, 2007, 08:46 AM
Hey guys, I accidentally read this one week and found out that Sabrina went out, we see the show after you guys in the US!! I had to keep quiet when watching it with my mum!! Sanjia out soon.. surely? Wasn't it funny when the wee girl kept crying?

Mar 27, 2007, 09:00 AM
He was not even in the bottom 2 this week.
I can't believe it!!
Although now that he is in the top 10 maybe things will change... since now he is on the Idol tour for this season.

Mar 27, 2007, 09:09 AM
Oh right!! He is not a good singer like most of the others are. He is quite geeky too lol! I guess teenage girls like him!! :)

Mar 27, 2007, 09:18 AM
I'm secretly hoping Sanjia is kept on for several more turns just because I want to see how many shades of red Simon can turn each time a quality person is sent home and he gets another chance to torture us all.

By the way... yeah, I'm american. Yeah, there's some lousy talent here selling lots of cds. Just remember, this Isn't a scientific poll folks! Many of us couch potatoes are too lazy to pick up a phone to call in for the real talent, leaving the preteens and idol-obsessed to do the picking.

Again, its not a scientific poll or a real vote of the population. So please don't label us all as morons who can't judge talent. For a real reflection of our analysis of talent you would need to look at something more legit. Like our elections. ;)

*i love the smell of sarcasm in the morning*

Mar 27, 2007, 09:22 AM
Amen and right on KP

Mar 27, 2007, 11:08 AM
hey guys, I accidentally read this one week and found out that Sabrina went out, we see the show after you guys in the US!!! I had to keep quiet when watching it with my mum!!! Sanjia out soon.. surely?! wasn't it funny when the wee girl kept crying?!
By "the wee girl" do you mean Sabrina, or did I miss something?
When Sabrina & Haley were the bottom 2-2weeks ago- Sabrina came to the platform like someone told her her best friend died-- I guess it's hard to keep check on emotions, especially when they lose.If it was me, I'd have to practice losing graciously over & over so I could at least not cringe to see myself "fall apart" on tape later!

Mar 27, 2007, 12:59 PM
Retrotia, we will try not to spoil any surprises but if you saw the show with Lulu, there was a little girl with braces crying in the audience.

Just a heads up and an FYI, if I haven't already mentioned this previously, there is a very definite reason why Sanjaya is still on the show. One of them is Howard Stern, the DJ. He caught wind of this website: Vote for the Worst (http://www.votefortheworst.com)

So, he decided to up the ante and get his radio listeners to do the same thing. Sanjaya's votes, I believe, were in the top 4 due to this.

I can't stand listening to him but this should be interesting as it moves along.

Mar 27, 2007, 04:49 PM
I can hardly wait to see Sanjaya now. Lol! It figures, Howard Stern.lol!

Mar 28, 2007, 04:29 AM
How about Sanjaya's hair last night... and the comments made by Paula, Randy, and Simon. They are speechless!!

Mar 28, 2007, 05:34 AM
Can't wait to see it now Tuscany! Lol!

Apr 17, 2007, 05:37 PM
WoW this girl just takes my breath away. Just beautiful. This is my pick. I know it's not even close to being over, but I am just loving this girl! What a beautiful & incredible voice.


Apr 17, 2007, 05:40 PM
Yes, She does have a beautiful voice and big presence on stage. She is one of my favorites.

Apr 17, 2007, 05:55 PM
WoW and Melinda is one of my favorites as well. My goodness what talent! She already seems like a Pro!


Apr 17, 2007, 05:57 PM
Yes, Melinda has been my favorite since the start. Melinda, I am amazed with every week. I am in awe, every time I hear her sing.

Apr 17, 2007, 06:19 PM
Sorry, but its been over for weeks. Melinda Doolittle is so far ahead of in talent the drama is gone. The major difference between Melinda and all the rest is that she is a PERFORMER. The others are just singers.

Jordin is great. She's my second choice and she does keep getting closer. The talent and presence she has at 17 is amazing. In another year she would have made it, but not with a Melinda Doolittle in front of her.

Phil was the surprise this week. I think he saved himself for another week.

But if anyone but Melinda wins, it will be a crime. It will show that America doesn't know talent.

Apr 17, 2007, 06:22 PM
Sorry, but its been over for weeks. Melinda Doolittle is so far ahead of in talent the drama is gone. The major difference between Melinda and all the rest is that she is a PERFORMER. The others are just singers.

Jordin is great. She's my second choice and she does keep getting closer. The talent and presence she has at 17 is amazing. In another year she would have made it, but not with a Melinda Doolittle in front of her.

Phil was the surprise this week. I think he saved himself for another week.

But if anyone but Melinda wins, it will be a crime. It will show that America doesn't know talent.

Yes, Melinda out pasts everybody and it would be a crime if she does not get the ultimate title. I would say that Jordin is right there with her. Oh, now I forget her name Takisha? Would be third.

Yes, Phil was a big surprise. The other three guys were not that good. The women are amazing singers. The men on the other hand.

Apr 17, 2007, 07:34 PM
To me and I know I'll get the heat for it but american idol is 1 or 2 steps above the gong show. Instead of a gong they have simon . Sometimes I think he gets a bad rap. I'll stick with ugly betty where the back stabbing and gossip makes me feel close to home.

Apr 17, 2007, 07:38 PM
LMAO at you Chippers. This week the show actuallly hurt my ears. Head cold maybe, but probably not. Gosh, those people could not sing tonight!!

It was like chewing on aluminum foil


Nails scratching a chalkboard!

Apr 17, 2007, 08:52 PM
American what?

Apr 17, 2007, 09:06 PM
I absolutely LOVED Jordin tonight! Who knew she'd blow everyone away singing Country!

I also think the boys are seriously lacking talent. BRING CHRIS DAUGHTRY BACK!!

Apr 17, 2007, 09:07 PM
OH... and before I forget:

SANJAYA!! Why? This has got to be the worst joke ever... he must go, SOON! If he outlasts any of the other 5 left, I will go crazy!

Apr 18, 2007, 12:32 AM
OH... and before I forget:

SANJAYA!?!? Why?? This has got to be the worst joke ever... he must go, SOON! If he outlasts any of the other 5 left, I will go crazy!

Oh gosh I barely can watch him. I... feel... so... sorry for him. Anyway,

Ooooh I love your Maltipoo too... soooo cute!! I have a Maltese. Oh I loved Chris Daughtry too.

(sorry everyone, didn't mean to go off topic)

J_9 - I so agree. The singers last night were pretty bad, but I think Jordan and Melinda did incredible.

Apr 18, 2007, 04:29 AM
I am having such a hard time watching AI because of Sanjaya. He is making a mockery of the show.

It is truly not fair to others that can sing.

I am a Dolittle and Jordin fan. Jordin rocked it tonight... but that dress!!

May 2, 2007, 11:46 AM
Yes, I think Sanjaya left at the right time because it was getting down to the finals. If Latisha would have gone instead of him-then it would have been obvious that "the vote for the worst" gimmick for Sanjaya was sabotaging A.I. (and its credibility)
I hope Blake stays in tonight. I'd like to see him perform again. No doubt Melinda is the best imo, but I hope Phil & Chris go or at least that Blake doesn't.
Wasn't that "telethon" show cool? That little cartoon image of Simon dancing to "don't u wish your boyfriend was hot like me" still sticks in my head.
Go Melinda! Go Blake!

May 2, 2007, 11:58 AM
It is so hard at this point. Each contestant seems to be stepping up as needed. Jordin, who has been amazing up to last night faltered for the first time. But I think she has a stockpile of good performances to carry her through. Phil may have saved himself another week by his performance.

Melinda is just so far above the rest she would have to trip and fall off the stage to lose this thing. I disagreed with the judges on both Lakisha's and Chris's performances last night. I liked Blake's innovations. So, I think Lakisha and Chris may be out for the count. Though Phil is also on the bubble.

Unless Lakisha can recover to beat out Blake, he'll make the cut next week with Jordin and Melinda, but that should be the end of him.

Frankly, I'm shocked that the genders are even to this point (another reason I think Chris and Lakisha will be gone tonight). I expected Blake to be the only male to make the final 6. And I still think that's the way it should have happened.

May 2, 2007, 12:18 PM
In case anyone is interested, there is a web site called dialidol, where they predict who will win based upon the busy signals received. Their rate of success with the predictions is at about 80%. According to them, Melinda is not at the top. Jordin and Blake are at the top and according to the site, are completely safe. Lakisha seems to be at risk tonight along with Chris. DialIdol.com - Measuring the busy signal. (http://dialidol.com/asp/predictions/Predictions.asp)