View Full Version : The tenants where I am moving to won't leave?

Mar 23, 2011, 05:56 AM
I have a signed lease that says I take possession of a unit on April 1. The unit is still ocuppied by the previous tenants (they are on month to month). They say they will leave April 2, but they have promised to leave two other times, but did not. My wife and I need to leave our current place by March 25 (I might get that extended for a few days). The new landlord has served them with eviction, but hasn't been aggressive enough with them! What can I do to light a fire under somebody? We dan't afford to live in a hotel for too long!

AK lawyer
Mar 23, 2011, 07:45 AM
Notify your new landlord that if you have to stay in a hotel, or pay extra to get your current situation extended, you will hold them liable for the cost. You have a right to do so, and that realization should "light a fire under" you new landlord.