View Full Version : Co-tenant lease lock out California

Mar 16, 2011, 04:10 PM
Hi - I am a Managing Member in an LLC, in Los Angeles California, with only one other member. We are currently in a partnership dispute, but are both signers on the lease which doesn't expire until 2024.

The problem is that the other member changed the locks to the office area of the business and I am not able to access the financial information now. Is there any specific real estate law that refers to a lessee's right of entry when the problem involves a co - tenant rather than the landlord? I am working on getting a court order and would like to cite a California law if one exists.


Mar 16, 2011, 04:17 PM
The law on commercial property is very different from residential property. This is really not a real estate law issue, but a partnership dispute. As such the contract you have will govern the rights of each partner and the results of litigation.

However, if you can prove you are managing partner and the LLC or you personally is the leasee, then you should be able to get a locksmith to change the locks for you.

Mar 17, 2011, 09:38 AM
Thanks Scott - yes, it's definitely a partnership dispute. I'm filing for a ex parte motion tomorrow (I've already notified), I was just hoping to be able to cite law concerning lessee rights, but I didn't find anything specific. Anyhow, I do have an original of the lease, so I think that should suffice. Thanks so much for your time!