View Full Version : Do I file for divorce or wait for him to grow up?

Mar 15, 2011, 06:21 PM
We dated 8 years before we got married been married 1 yr. I didn't marry him all that time because he didn't work steady, he cheated various times, he is an addict to anything (least of all alcohol) that will get him out of his reality,has stole from the house, neighbors and family, and is very irresponsible. I wish I had never married him. I have separated (diff households) from him 4 or 5 times since we've been married, due to all all of the above reasons I didn't marry him in the beginning. We have a 5 year old daughter. He takes no responsibility when we are separated. Barely takes any responsibility when he is here. Ever heard when he's good he's real good and when he's bad he's real bad? Well that is him. I lowered my standards so ridicously bad. I guess I was hoping and thinking he had changed. I have figured out that he hasn't and won't. I want to move on, I want to stop hoping. I am a damn fool and I know it. I don't want to keep waiting. I have pretty much decided to divorce him 75% there. I don't know what else he can dish out. I want a man's point of view. I want a happy woman's point of view. I need advise on a cheap divorce. I guess I need a counselor as well to get my backbone back. I want some insight to the bs he has been dishing out over the years. Yeah, I am an idiot, haven't always been but I guess for the last 9 years! Lol

6 months ago I printed many pages off the internet of the laws and forms for divorce, separation, etc, in Tennessee. I am confused on the law of separation, is legally meaning only by filing in the courts? Or can it include living in separate households. The duration of the separation as well, I am not sure of, before I can file for a divorce. I can file for an annulment if I was mentally ill or something to that affect- does being on a current perscription of anti-depressants count (it is a far fetch, but I have to ask)? I see a lot of ads on the internet to get a cheap and quick divorce, but are which are credible, legal and safe to give personal info to? We have one a 5 yrs old child, we have been married for 1yr 1month and 5days, and no joint assets.

Mar 15, 2011, 07:18 PM
A legal separation will be defined differently in each state, but in general it is one that is filed and done though court, thus the word "legal" It states some of the issues and agreements to various items.

Annulment is most likely not a option, depending on first how long you were married, but the proof is hard at times, if there is not a clear issue. And divorce is basically the normal path.

First the cheapest and best way is for you and the other party to agree to all terms of the divorce, and both use the same attorney or para legal to do the paper work and you file together. Thus it is a non contested divorce.

If the other party is not going to agree to the divorce or the terms of the divorce, you will almost for sure need an attorney

Mar 15, 2011, 08:35 PM
We will most certainly agree, a para legal, do they usually advertise as a para legal? If not, where and what do I look for to find one? They may be the cheaper route.
Any insight on the online divorcese?