View Full Version : WHy do I keep having dreams that my fianc? Is trying to kill me?

Feb 28, 2011, 12:50 PM
For the last 2 to 3 months I have had dreams that my fiancé is trying to kill me, or is sending someone else to have me killed. In my dreams it always has him or the person he hired shooting at me. This last one I dreamed that I was in a strange house and I had just woken up and there were 3 doors that you could enter into the houe. All 3 doors were open and there were rifles loaded and set up. I tried to lock all the doors and grabbed one of the rifles and as I was walking to the last door a man came in and shot at me. He missed and I shot him. The one before that one seemed so real I woke up and my lips were so cold and I couldn't move and a man busted through my bedroom door and tried to attack me. It's like I am having these dreams 1 to 3 times a week.. Does this mean anything?

Mar 2, 2011, 02:53 AM
What kind of a relationship do you two have? Is it loving? Does he treat you well?

Dreams are often a bizarre sense of reality. It often mixes things that you've experienced in a very not-so-logical way. For instance, if I had a turkey sandwich for lunch, saw a Robert Deniro movie around dinner time, and then took a shower before bed, I could have a dream about Robert Deniro in a shower, eating a turkey sandwich.

It could also bring up ideas/thoughts you had during the day. If your fiancé is loving, caring, and gentle, and you truly believe that he would never hurt you, I wouldn't fret too much about it. If anything, I'd talk to him about it and perhaps that would reassure you of his love.

Mar 2, 2011, 07:29 AM
We have a really honest relationship as far as I know. But a few months ago he ask me if I would have sex with another man in front of him. I told him NO. He aggravated me over it for hours until I told him I would. Then he got upset and said that he only said it to see what I would say. I know I could never cheat on him but could this be something he really wants? Sometimes during sex he talks about me sleeping with someone else but then after he said if anyone ever touched me he would kill them. He makes remarks like that all the time. Like if we are watching a movie and a woman cheats on her man, he says if you ever do something like that u would never do it again. He somes home from work and asks me if I got some today, or he says he don't turn me on I must be getting it somewhere else. This is not true I would never do that. Could this be why I am having these dreams?

Mar 2, 2011, 10:14 AM
Oh boy, yeah, I get it now. Tell me, how old are the two of you? He seems to be the controlling type and wants to know exactly where you are at all times.

May 2, 2011, 02:32 PM
I find the best way to interpret my dreams is to close my eyes and focus on what I felt in the dream. It is easier to strip away everything and simply focus on how you felt in the dream. Did you feel angry, scared, betrayed? Hold the feeling for a while. It may help to apply an EFT technique by tapping the outside of your hand between the knuckle and the wrist. Next try to think back to a time when you last felt that same feeling as in your dream.

I have on occasions experienced a similar dream however my assailant is unknown. It usually occurs when I am trying to escape a situation.

My advise to you is if you are able address the issues you are having with you partner it will in turn address the problems with your nightmares.