View Full Version : Does the saliva swab ETG alcohol test show back to 80 hours like the Urine ETG test ?

Feb 14, 2011, 06:12 AM
I heard when it's the oral swab it only tests back 12 to 24 hours for alcohol anyone know?

Feb 14, 2011, 08:37 AM
Saliva testing has a relatively short window of detection for alcohol. Some tests show as little as 6 hr. None above 24. Has no cutoff. Lacks standards for interpretation. Poorly researched to date.

Another consideration. Mouthwash contains ethanol at a greater volume than most drinks (Listerine=26%).

Saliva tests are looking for ethanol (similar to breathalyzer) and not for EtG, a longer lasting liver induced metabolite).

Jan 26, 2013, 09:55 AM
What if you don't saturate the swab, you just put it in your mouthand it touches the sides a little?