View Full Version : Soap/Laundry Detergent

Jan 16, 2007, 03:18 AM
The past week, It’s been really cold, I mean really really cold.
So cold that my skin on my nose, hands started to get really red, and hurt.
Folks in southern California aren’t used to this type of weather.

Well lately after a hot shower. My arms and my back/stomach start to itch for maybe two minutes. And then little tiny reddish, dots or small bumps form, and go away.

I had chicken pox, so that’s covered.

But hmm I wonder is it possible that the new soap my mom has bought, is too strong or too mild for my skin?

Or maybe the laundry detergent?

Or could it be that taking a hot shower, During rapid random weather climates?

Jan 21, 2007, 05:55 AM
There are many possibilities.

You said that your mom bought new soap, I would say that is my first guess as well. Go back to the old soap and see if that condition goes away.

For laundry detergent maybe it is best to by Ivory, more natural, gentle and safe for a baby. This will help determine if it is detergent. I myself use baby detergent now.

It could also be climate changes. If you have a thick layer of clothes on and your sweating, then you take a shower. It could cause that to happen.

If by eliminating the possibilities you have thought of and nothing works I would suggest you see your doctor. Could be a developed allergy.

Question as well, do you have any pets or knows anybody with pets? Your might be allergic?

Hope this helps you and let us all know what happens and what it was?


Jan 21, 2007, 08:09 AM
It sounds as though it is temperature related.

If it were an allergy of some sort it would itch severely and stay around for way more than 2 minutes. If indeed it is an allergy the only thing that would get rid of it would to be shower or bathe with another soap, and change detergents.

Allergies do not go away that quickly.

You may need to adjust the temperature of your shower.

Feb 23, 2008, 12:56 AM
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