View Full Version : Feline Stroke

Jan 29, 2011, 02:06 PM
Our almost 13 y old Siamese cat had a stroke Tuesday morning. She has a Hyperthyrod and is on cream hormone. We took her in and all the blood work came out WNL. No cat scan because too expensive. She has progressed some but not able to see on her right side. She has right sided weekness. Today-Saturday-She got fluids The vet has had her on antibiotic,antinausea med. and steroids. She has progressed from no eating or drinking to taking some treats this am(couldnt see them but smelled them and would take them from hand) She has also progressed to walking around. Not sure if she's aware too much. Not using litter box still. SHe peed on the floor and I see a little blood. It is pink tinged."

Feb 5, 2011, 09:42 PM
So sorry to read about your cat. I'm not sure what your question is, but I did want to acknowledge your post and tell you that I understand how very difficult it is to see your pet go through this. If there is anything specific you were wondering, please do ask. My thoughts are with you and your beloved pet.

Hugs, Didi