View Full Version : Height; comment if you're taller than your parents!

Jan 21, 2011, 10:35 AM
Comment on this if you're taller than your parents. Tell me how much taller are you, and about how tall is your tallest parent (or both if you want).

If you know, also tell me how tall is your tallest relative (that you know of course).

I'm curious because both my parents are REALLY short stature, my dad is around 5'2 and my mom peak at 5 feet, so I know what my chances of growing are. I really hope I'll be taller than both by a lot!

Jan 21, 2011, 12:07 PM
My son is 6'1" and I am 5'7" and my husband is 5'6".

Add to the mix both my dad and my hubby's dad were 6'4", and both their dad's were over 6'6" tall and over 300 pounds in weight, (i.e. my paternal grandfather and his paternal grandfather).

My son has recessive genes on his side. My daughter looks to be very tall, too. She is not yet 10 and the tallest in her class.

Jan 21, 2011, 04:26 PM
So looking at that, even though you and your husband isn't tall, your son and daughter is tall because tall runs in your side of the family. Lucky duck, my relatives and parents are all short :/

Jan 21, 2011, 04:41 PM
I'm only 5'1. But my brother is 6'2. Our parents are both about 5'8. It's just all in the genes. We're pretty sure my brother gets his height from out grandfather, he was about 6 feet tall. I obviously didn't get those same genes. Lol I think I got grandma's, she was about 5'3.

Jan 21, 2011, 05:28 PM
My husband is 6'1", his mom was 5'2" and his dad was 5'6". All of his other relatives were short in stature.

I am 5'11", my mom was 5'4" my dad was 6'. I am an only child, but taller than most of my cousins, even the males.

Jan 23, 2011, 06:20 PM
Wait, so was your husband the tallest in his side of the fam? Then his dad? If your husband is 6 inches taller than the next tallest person than I still have some hope :)

Jan 23, 2011, 10:19 PM
My husbands father was 5'6". Before my husband was born his father was the tallest in his family by far.

When my husband grew to 6'1" the rest of his family used to joke that he must have been the milk mans son. :p

Of course that wasn't the case.

Jan 28, 2011, 04:23 PM
Wow so your husband is 7 inches taller then the next tallest person! SO I still have hope I'll be about 5'9 or so since my parents both under 5'2 :(

Jan 28, 2011, 04:36 PM
By the way Altenweg, can you ask your husband what the heck he did to grow that tall? Anything special like playing basketball, working out extra hard, or steroids? Lol I really need to grow :)

Jan 29, 2011, 11:34 AM
I'm a girl and 5'6" my mother is 5'1" and my dad is 6'2" I have two full brothers the oldest is 5'10" and the youngest is 6'3" my mothers parents are short her mother is 5" and her dad was 5'4". My father's parents are tall his mother was 5'9" and his father was 6'2" the shortest person in my dad's family is his baby sister who is 5'7". My fiancé is only 5'6" so I'm curious to see how tall our children will be! He's the shortest man in his family with his brother being 5'8" to 5'9". If you go online & search for a height predictor you can enter your current age & height & your parents heights & it will give you a pretty accurate guess! Don't worry though even if you don't end up being tall you'll have a great life & find love & have lot's of friends! I used to only date guys over 6" and wouldn't even go on a date with a short guy. I was miserable & had unhappy & shallow relationships because I was dating them for their height & they were dating me for my bikini model face & body. I finally widened my tastes and fell madly in love with a very short man and I've never been happier in my life!! My favorite comedian Kevin Hart is only 5'3" trust me you don't have to be tall to live the life of your dreams! However, to make sure you grow as tall as possible is all about diet! You have to eat organic healthy food & drink raw unpasturized milk, take daily whole food based vitamins & avoid processed foods & refined sugar! No sodas, candy or McDonald's!!

Jan 29, 2011, 01:52 PM
By the way Altenweg, can you ask your husband what the heck he did to grow that tall? Anything special like playing basketball, working out extra hard, or steroids? Lol I really need to grow :)

He didn't do anything or take anything. It was just luck. You either get lucky, or you don't. He did.

Aug 21, 2011, 02:28 PM
I'm 6'0" and my dad and mom are 5'6" and 5'2" respectively. My tallest relative is my uncle who's 6 feet. You have to look down your tree to see how much taller you'll get.