View Full Version : What to expect from homeowner insurance for accidental death

Jan 16, 2011, 09:25 AM
My father died accidentally from a fall that occurred while we were on vacation at a rental home. An insurance adjuster has left us a message to contact them. I assume it's the homeowners. My questions are what are we to expect from them & what will they pay?
I know they should at least pay the medical, ambulance, helicopter bills. My father did have medicare so they would reimburse them I would guess. Will they also pay for the funeral expenses? Or do they offer one lump sum that would go to pay what I mentioned?

Jan 16, 2011, 09:30 AM
What caused the fall ? Was the owner of the vacation home liable for the accident.

You say "rental home" was this like a week rental, or a home that you or her rented year round.

Also all policies will have a max limit for injury, in some cases they may deny payment over medical bills unless the family of the injured party sues the owner of the property or the person who had it rented.

I would have a local lawyer on this one, to represent the estate of the father who died

Also I am sorry for your loss.

Jan 16, 2011, 09:34 AM
What to expect from homeowner insurance for accidental deathHello r:

Expect to get ripped off. However, having been warned ahead of time, you're going to have an attorney represent you, aren't you??

By the way, WHY do you think they'll pay ANYTHING if there was NO negligence on the part of their client?? Here's some bad news... They won't.
