View Full Version : GAS Heat! Help it's getting cold in here!

Dec 14, 2010, 06:02 PM
Hello, I have lived in my house for 5 years and we have had to replace the flame sensor on our gas heat twice already. We just paid to have it replace again in January. Now my heat is acting up again. We were hearing the heat turn on for a few seconds and then it would turn off, not heating the house. It would only do this off an on. Sometimes in the past few weeks and even this morning the heat was working, like this morning, but now it is not working again. I do not have another $200 for them to come out and replace the flame sensor again, can someone please tell us (in first grade terms) what we can do. Right now it is turning on for a few seconds and turning off. I recently heard flame sensors do not go bad, and I am terrified of messing with the gas heater because of all the warning labels of explosions... please help ease my mind and help explain what we can do to help get our heat working so my children are not freezing tonight!

Dec 14, 2010, 06:36 PM
Remove and clean your own flame sensor,save the $200,, 90% of the time all it needs is cleaned,, not replaced,use very fone sandpaper or stealwool ,polish it real good and shiny,and put it back. Next time you feel the need ,you might want to call a good repair man instead of a parts-replacer

Dec 14, 2010, 06:48 PM
Thank you. We will try this! We have been calling these local heating and air guys, and each time they would tell us it was because our air filter was dirty and it caused our flame sensor to go bad, and since it was after hours it was $200.