View Full Version : Dog bite and charges

Nov 30, 2010, 05:32 PM
Recently our friends dog bite a girl who was provoking it (witnesses stated this) The cops were called and when they came the dog was lunged at the cop. Animal control was called and the dog was taken. After a few days animal control called and stated the dog could be picked up after paying a HUGE fine. They went to pick him and found out the dog had been accidentally put to sleep.

The girls parents decided not to press charges but the city is. My main question is how can they press charges when the subject is no longer alive. Don't you think the famil y has been through enough? They did go to court and now he can face probation fines and also made him drug test on the spot (before sentencing)

Doesn't all this seem extreme? The dog had never biten anyone else and didn't even break skin on the girl.

Facts to consider

Owner is black

Dog is mixed with pit


Nicest dog EVER

Owners were not home at the time.. owners son took him out to pee when all this happened.

They are in DESPERATE need of legal advice

Eileen G
Nov 30, 2010, 06:19 PM
They had a dog which attacked a child and tried to attack a cop. Frankly, I think your friend got off lightly that the girl's family did not press charges. It doesn't matter if the girl was behaving badly, unless she breaking into the dog's house, it's not allowed to bite her.

What age was the son controlling the dog at the time? Was it leashed or muzzled? Was it out peeing in public?

No, the dog is not the nicest dog ever. He attacked a child. It attempted to attack a cop. The fact that it's part pitbull makes it that much more dangerous and makes the onus on the owner to keep it controlled all the greater.

I have children. If a dog bit one of them, it wouldn't matter what colour the dog's owner was, I'd go after that. And I am a dog lover, but dogs should be under strict control and should never be allowed to be a danger to children.

Nov 30, 2010, 06:51 PM
The liability lies with the dogs owner, not the dog. If the owner died it might be a different story. Do you think the dog knew the difference between white and black children? Lucky the child's parents didn't sue BIG TIME!