View Full Version : Great Dane runt not keeping food down.

Nov 28, 2010, 05:28 AM
I just got a great dane yesterday at 6 weeks. He is the runt of the litter and is tiny compared to the others and my other dane was at this age. Everything he eats he vomits right back up. It is Sunday so I cannot get to a vet ASAP. Has anyone know what may be causing him to not keep anything down? There is no way that he is getting nutrients. I feel like he is not ready for puppy food yet and plan to go and get some formula to see if I can bottle or tube feed him. Should I do that or just wait to go to the vet in the morning. I am scared he is starving to death right in my lap.

Nov 28, 2010, 07:05 AM
Yes, that's disturbing, sorry to say, but if he is the runt of the litter then he is far behind the six weeks of the other pups. How did you come by a little one still to young to be away from its mom? He will definitely and should immediately be receiving urgent care and yes, there is no way he could eat puppy food.

There are so many things you should know about bottle feeding him and the only way you will find this out immediately is phoning around and getting ahold of a vet urgent care clinic.

You could go to your local pet store and get advice there. The only formula I can think of for a pup that small is Esbilac, but then you would need either feeding tubes or bottles.

Mocheller, the best you can do for that little guy right now is phone around for urgent care and vet proper advice from a vet.
