View Full Version : Can a dog have fleas that don't bother anyone else in the household?

Nov 20, 2010, 11:38 AM
My dog has a couple of patches where his fur is missing and there are bugs crawling around. I have had fleas in my house before and we noticed almost immediately that one of our pets had them. My dog seems to have had these for a while and unfortunately I didn't notice right away, Is it possible that when a dog has fleas they are not bothersome to other pets in the home or the people living in the home?

Nov 20, 2010, 06:14 PM
We had fleas when we first moved into our house, they must have been in the carpet and yard and we didn't notice.
The dogs scratched, but not excessively so I didn't pick up on it until I groomed one of them. We weren't itchy either.

I would get the missing patches of fur checked out by a vet, if he isn't scratching or chewing himself it shouldn't just fall out.

It took me 2 months to fully get rid of the fleas at our place, I had to treat the dogs and all the house and yard and then the next month do it all again before they were completely gone.