View Full Version : Raising A Toilet On A Platform To Bring It Above Sewer Grade

Nov 15, 2010, 03:31 PM
The sewer outlet is a foot above my basement floor. Can I build a platform to install the toilet on, so it is above grade? How far above grade does it have to be? How do I tap into the sewer pipe?
I have seen something like this done on houses that have been placed on a new basement foundation, as my house was a number of years ago.
I would rather not have the expense and breakdown risk of a sewage pump. Thanks for any help you can provide!

Nov 15, 2010, 05:36 PM
That would be one tall platform because you also have to add a 1/4" raise for every foot you run your toilet drain to the old sewer. Can be done, most of us would not do it and may actually be prevented by local codes. Have you checked your codes. Upflush toilets are much better than they used to be Saniflo, Sink Accessories, Toilet Accessories and Toilets (http://www.homeclick.com/saniflo/b892?chnl=Psearch&ven=GAW&cam=Category+-+K%26B&brnd=General%20-%20Bathroom&adgrp=Toilets%20-%20Up%20Flush&kw=upflush%20toilets&mtyp=upflush%20toilets&wm_crID=4989769&wm_lpID=19792150&wm_ctID=361&wm_kwID=12496166&wm_mtID=3&wm_content=0&wm_g_crID=6846604505&wm_g_kw=upflush+toilets&wm_g_pcmt=&wm_g_cnt=0&gclid=CP-TweeLpKUCFeJN5QodEGEMHw&wm_kw=upflush+toilets&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=upflush+toilets&utm_campaign=general+%2D+bathroom&wm_sd=1)

Dec 1, 2010, 08:02 PM
Thank you for answering. I will indeed check the codes. The distance is not great, but good to know about the 1/4" raise. Thanks for your help!

Dec 2, 2010, 07:08 AM
Bob's correct! A upflush toilet would be best. Check them out at;Saniflo upflush toilets - sanibest, sanicompact, sanigrind, sanipack, saniplus, sanistar, sanishower, sanivite (http://sanifloproducts.com/)
Having said that if you still wish to platform the toilet you would have to cut in a 4"m wye or combo in the sewer main to pick up your toilet. On a 4" drain it's acceptable to slope 1/8th" to the foot.
You do know that you will have to run a vent on the toilet don't you? Cheers, Tom