View Full Version : Why is my pregnant dog crying all the time?

Nov 8, 2010, 04:58 AM
My dog is pretty far into her pregnancy and she has been crying a lot lately she also has milk coming out of her teets and is licking her self a lot as well. Does this mean she is going to have puppies soon?

Nov 8, 2010, 06:13 AM
Has your dog been tot vet for regular pre-natal care and check ups? Are her nipples looking engorged? This very well could be the early signs of her going into labor. We would not be able to give you a definitive answer, as we are not able to see her. I would suggest making an appointment with your vet to make sure every thing is okay with mom and pups, after all, it's all of their lives on the line.

Nov 8, 2010, 09:22 AM
Pregnancy is different for every dog.

Nesting and restlessness usually happens within 24-48 hours of them whelping along with a drop in temperature.

A lot of b*tches will be frightened and very clingy as they can tell something is happening to them, but they have no idea what.

Once you notice her having contractions pups will appear within 2 hours... if contractions have been happening for 2 hours with no puppies you need to get her to the vet immediately.

Things to watch out for are straining and pushing but no sign of pups and off colored discharge.